Monday, January 29, 2018


So Saturday night, before transfers were announced, I saw on the phone that i had three missed calls from the secretaries. I got a little nervous... because usually they only call when bad things happen at home..
so I called them back and they said they had some news for me. I got super freaked out... they asked if I was ready to hear.... I said yes.... I think so.....
Then they said I would be leaving Ushuaia the next morning (Sunday) at 5am. WHATTTT???? NO??? Transfers weren’t until Monday! Then they said... chill, because you will be returning to Ushuaia in a few days. WHATTT??? Then it hit me why. They then told me.... I HAD TO GO TO COMODORO FOR THE WEEK TO BE TRAINED AND TO PICK UP THE NEW MISSIONARY THAT I WAS GOING TO TRAIN! I’M GOING TO BE A TRAINER!! A TRAINER!!!! WHATTTT! I then proceeded to freak out with happiness in to the phone, and they all laughed and laughed. They called me before transfers were announced, because I had to hurry to the pension, pack a bag for a few days, get sleep, and at 430am head to the terminal of buses. (colectivos) WHATTTTTTTT.  I was in divisions (splits) with Hermana Aguirre, so i wasn’t with Borba when they told me. So when i got to the pension, i broke the news to her. She was so happy and everyone was l screaming and laughing hahahah. Poor Hermana Borba had migraines all week, so we were in the pension for several days. It was miserable. Hermana Borba then told me that Presidente had called her and told her she would be moved up as one of the 8 sister training leaders (hermanas capacitadoras) in the mission, and would go and serve in Rio Gallegos (12 hours from Ushuaia, tip of the continent). We were all so happy. Then I started to cry cause I realized how big of a responsibility I had now, and that I would be in my same area with this new missionary, and would have to teach her everything, like how Hermana Borba taught me. And I’m still lacking knowledge in so many aspects of the mission. She gave me a bunch of advice.
Then Sunday morning I headed off to Comodoro. It took around 6 hours to get to the end of the island, a 30 minute boat ride, and then 13 more hours in bus to Comodoro. i think. I left 5am Sunday and arrived today at 6am. WOWWWWWW. So basically the last two days have been a blur.
I’m now writing you from Comodoro Rivadavia, where it is WAY to hot to handle. Its p-day, tomorrow the rest of the new trainers will arrive (including my two dear friends from my group that arrived together to the mission -Elder Spencer and Elder Mcdonald, who both have the same amount of time in the mission as me), and the newbies arrive .Wednesday we a have training and Presidente will choose who will be the trainer for who. I’m sure you will know the second I know, because Presidente will put it on facebook. WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOOWOW. Thursday or Friday we head back to Ushuaia in plane or bus, I'm not sure which. and then we start working!

I cant believe it still. 
For the first time in my mission, I got to see my mission. Sounds weird, right? But I arrived to the mission, and went to Ushuaia by plane. And have been there ever since. And my mission is the biggest in the world, so its not like the other zones are right here close to me. They are between 3 and 30 hours away. So i never met anyone else, saw any other areas of my mission. But on the bus ride, we stopped in a lot of my areas. i got to meet so many missionaries that I have heard so much about, and see people who I arrived with. It was so wonderful. I was so happy. It felt like a vacation. Now, me and the one other trainer who traveled with me are staying in a hotel waiting for the other trainers. 

So that’s my week haha

WOW i loved hearing the update about the family! I’ll read that talk you sent. AW i love the pictures!! SO CUTE: . 
You went riding in the desert again? Awesome!
Haha aw Aly and Ash. I loved what you wrote about them.
I’m so glad you are doing good mom. I love you so much and miss you. We didn’t get to teach a whole lot this week because also Presidente came for zone conference, and my comp was sick.... so it was a slow week.
and yes, everyone is still on vacation haha.

OH no you said not to write at four.. here i am, writing at four. of course hahahaaaaa. please write back if you can!
Computers here in Comodoro stink. super slow lololol.

Man, I love hearing the updates about everyone. Thank you! I love you guys so much. Kids are so big. So awesome

I love you


Wednesday, January 24, 2018


All I want is that everyone knows that I am trying. Don't look to me as a hero for what I'm doing. I'm so imperfect. I'm still Amy. But trying to become a better Amy, a better version of myself and a better servant of the Lord. I am doing my best. Its an imperfect effort, but I'm trying. I give my all, and when I dont give my all, i repent and try again. I strive to do everything right, and sometimes i fail. But I love the Lord, I love his work. I want to improve everything about me, I want to serve with all my might heart mind and strength. And I'm trying. I push through the hard moments, which come every day. I get frustrated and am impatient, but I pray that the Lord can replace those imperfect traits with more love and more patience. I want to become better only so that i can serve the people here better. If you can take something away from my experience this week, know that life is a struggle. Its an upward climb. But it doesnt have to be a sad, complaining upward climb. it can be so amazing, take a second to look around you, to see the miracles God put in your life and in your day. I realized this week that the Lord can only answer our prayers when we have faith. I was praying without faith for a few things for a few days, and nothing happened. I was frustrated. But when I began to put my confidence in God and pray with faith and a desperate desire to have HIm answer my prayers, he answered them. He provided me with direct answers and experiences that I had been hoping for. I have no doubt that He exists, He lives, and He knows and loves us. 
I hope he can consecrate my imperfect accions to become perfect for him. I love Him.
I love you guys so much. Stay strong and happy. Enjoy each day and each moment. 


Monday, January 15, 2018

January 15, 2018 -22 weeks down (5 month mark tomorrow)

THIS WEEK WAS AMAZING BECAUSE... we had our first baptism!!!!

On Friday morning me and my comp went to the wedding of our investigator Marcelo, and his soon to be wife Laura (who was a less active member, but now has completely returned to the church). It was in this old house by the coast, and it was so amazing. Super different from any wedding I’ve seen, but man was it so special. 

Saturday we spent the entire day in the chapel practically, cleaning decorating and getting everything ready for 5pm..... the font only worked with ice cold water though so that was interesting.. we called it the last trial of faith haha. Poor guy was literally freezing his tush off..

When the baptism started I was so stressed out and nervous lol. Who would have thought. Me, Amy Holt, stressed out and impatient over something? LOL. I think I practically killed my comp with my nerves hah. I just wanted to be sure everything would go perfectly and that Marcelo could have a super spiritual experience.

The first talk was given, and then Marcelo was baptized. When he came out of the water, he just put his face in his hands for a few moments, and just stood there. We quickly realized he was having a super spiritual moment (as he told us later). He told us that words couldn’t describe what he felt after. wowza how grateful I was that he was able to have a super spiritual moment. 

Then I played a song for everyone on the piano called He Knows Me Better (and everyone was super impressed and it actually went real well.. but now the branch presidente wants me to play all the time during the sacrament meeting...oh no! haha), another talk, and then Marcelo went up to give his testimony. Now, Marcelo is a shy guy. He doesn’t open up a whole lot. But man, that testimony was the most sincere, simple. beautiful testimony I have heard. He told a bit of his experiences, and then at the end said ... 
I believe, no.. I know that the Church is true. 
Man, when he said those words, all of my doubts and stress melted away. I could feel that he wasn’t just another baptism that would go inactive, but that he was a true convert. and that he was going to stay.
The presidente of the branch said that he was ready to recieve the priesthood, so he received it Sunday. And also had the confirmation. 
It was such an amazing day. 

Also this week I had an idea for an activity to do with the branch, so Thursday night we held a family home evening activity in the chapel. We taught about goals and how to make them and why they are important. we did some fun interactive activities, had music, and food. Only about 25 people came, and we practically had to drag them there, but they came. and they really enjoyed it. I think the branch presidente (who is hard to please) was actually super happy with us!. We are going to try to keep doing more activities to build up the branch, because its so small and weak and no one understands that its not normal to never have ward activities. The chapel is only used on Sundays practically. Its sad. But we are changing that!

My comp is good... we are still having our small struggles and battles but when it comes to the work, we are good. We have transfers in a week and a half... and its for sure that one of us will leave. I hope its me, but I really hope its not me at the same time. I have so many friends and connections and memories here, I never wanna go!!!

I love you all and hope all is well at home. I know the Church is true, and that God loves us so much. Look for the tender mercies and miracles in your day, because they are there. God is a god of miracles. If you don’t believe me, go and read Mormon 9. 

I love you all so much

side note--- 5 months in the mission now! wowza

Mucho amor, 

Hermana Holt 

Jan 8, 2017-

Hey hey hey!!!! Whats going on!

Wowza this week was fantastic!! Had its ups and downs for sure, just like every week, but we saw some huge blessings and miracles.

First thing - my comp got some bad news about her family last week, so we struggled with that. Poor thing goes through so much. Im definitely learning how to have more love, patience, and understanding, because she goes through a lot of things I don’t understand, and sometimes I get frustrated because I want to go out and work and she cant because she is too sad or emotionally struggling. So Ive bene praying for more christlike love and patience. And luckily, we were able to have some great conversations and experiences together that helped her to bounce back a bit. She’s a great comp, with such high drive and love for the Lord. We are super different and have our differences, but I think the Lord knew I needed a hard comp so that I could learn some important life lessons right off the bat. 

We got the news a few days ago about Presidente Monson passing away. I wasn’t sad when I heard. Surprised, but happy that he finally passed. I know he wanted to be with his sweet wife again so badly, and he was so sick and frail. He gave it is all during his life. Served diligently and had unwavering dedication. I hope I can give service and dedicate my life in even just a portion of the way he did. 

Well, Friday was probably one of the best days in the mission. We put high goals, prayed a ton, and were super ready and pumped to work. We had no meetings, so we had all day to work. And we were blessed as a result with a TON of teaching opportunities. We had 5 quality lessons, and I was able to testify and teach so much. I felt so happy. We went from lesson to lesson, and felt the spirit so strongly. We were skipping as we walked. Didn’t even matter that we didn’t stop to rest until 10 at night when we returned to the apartment. I felt so happy and recognized the hand of the Lord in each moment of that day. 
But its also amazing how the days can change so quickly.. the next day every single plan fell thorough-- and i mean every plan.and i have to admit, it got to me. I complained a bit and was frustrated. Why, when yesterday was so great, was today so bad? My obedience and motivation and diligence was exactly the same as the day before! what happened? I then realized it wasn’t because i did anything wrong.. although i can always improve.. but the reality is that we are here working with the agency of other people. And we can’t control that agency. We do all that we can, and thats what counts. Sometimes we see the blessings that day, other times we have to wait a bit. But these are the types of experiences that test my faith, patience, and motivation. I am still learning to pass through those rough days with a good attitude and a motivation to keep doing everything. Trials are hard, but I am grateful for them as I look back. 

Marcelos baptism is this Saturday. We have been preparing a ton. We went to his house last night and passed over the baptismal questions. I was nervous that maybe something would happen or he would have a problem or doubt or something... but my worries were in vain, because he answered each question with strong and simple testimony. Its amazing to see the growth he has had since we met in October. And now he is finally ready to make this commitment and be baptized. He is so excited, Im so excited, everyone is super excited. I can’t wait to see the change that continues to happen in his life because of this choice.

He told us that he wanted a big experience, a testimony giving experience, to confirm that this was all true. And that he’s waiting and not having a huge experience and doesn’t know why. 
I was then able to testify that I also have never had a huge testimony giving experience to absolutely convince me that the gospel is true. But right now i can say that I have an unmovable testimony that it is true. Then how did i get it? How did I receive this testimony that i have?
Through little evidences, tiny evidences, each day for 19 years of my life. I never had an angel from heaven come down, or a lighting bolt strike me (hey mom) to convince me of the truthfulness of the Church. But through tiny miracles, tiny blessings and evidences each and every day, my testimony began to grow and grow until today, where I can say with the same assuredly as if i saw an angel come down and tell me, that the church is true. I know it is. And i know that my testimony will continue to grow for the rest of my life, until my life is over and i can see God face to face, and be surprised that I already knew him, knew how he is and how he works and loves us, because i had my testimony and my conviction of Him for all of my life.

I love you all. Stay strong and enjoy each minute of your life. Stop looking ahead and saying Ill be happy when this happens in the future, or when i get to college, or when i get married. Enjoy each moment know, cause you have an opportunity to learn and grow, and soon it will become a cherished memory

I love you alll!!!!!!!!

hermana holt

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

HI mom!

awww I LOVED all of the awesome pictures and the cute video!!! WOWZAAAAAA its only been 4.5 months, and the kids are SOO different looking! So tall and grown up and gorgeous. Seriously, they all look like different people to me! But looks like you had an awesome time in Randolph with lots of different adventures, for better and for worse!!! haha. So glad you had lots of fun!

Box - Id love some more multivitamins, and that leave in conditioner that came in a small round black container ELC or something like that. And printed fotos of the fam. But makeup, I can buy here I guess... I dont want you spending a fortune on boxes for me!

Yes your Christmas box arrived..... and wowwwwww YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST. We put the tree up in our apartment, and are enjoying all the candy and peanut butter haha. My comp LOVED the card and we used are necklaces and socks for New Years Eve!!!!!!! And all the cards you sent me made me so so happy to read. THANK YOU GUYS. I love you. All the missionaries were jealous of my huge box and said that I must have a super amazing family to send me all that. You guys are well known now in the mission haha.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I cant believe its 2018. Sunday (the 31) was an awesome day - we had breakfast with an investigator so that he would come to church with us, and he did. For the first time in a long time, we had FOUR investigators come!!! ( usually 2 or 3 isaverage). We were so so happy. We eat dinner real late here, so at 8 all 14 missionaries in the Zone Ushuaia got together in the house of the Family Polanco (our ward mission leader) to have dinner of asado and salads and desserts. We ate and laughed and talked and took photos until midnight. We sang a hymn at 1158 until midnight passed to bring in the new year. It was super cool and fun. We had permission to sleep in until 10am, which we did happily haha. Then yesterday for Pday we got to watch Lego batman movie, and i died laughing! even though it was in spanish, the jokes were pretty good hahahahah. We have to write today because yesterday EVERYTHING was closed down. Literally EVERYTHING closes for the New year. not even taxis or buses or the main supermarket was open. People sleep in until 4 or 5, because they stay up partying until dawn. Crazy. So different, but neat.

Im feeling super great this week. Worked hard, saw lots of miracles. The baptism of marcelo is next week, and it looks like we may have another new investigator who will get baptized in the next few weeks as well! Lots of blessings and miracles. 

Im so happy and doing really well. MIssed you guys a bit during new years eve, being with you all, but im not homesick. I feel so happy doing what Im doing, pushing through each day, but the days fly by now. I almost have 5 months! Then at the 6 months mark, Ill be home in less than a year. Everyone says it flys by. I love this!!!!

I hope you guys are well. I loveyou so much! I uploaded like 13 pics, hope you like them!!! 

Love youuuuu

Monday, January 1, 2018

December 26, 2017
Hola todos!!!

Hope that everyone had a super awesome Christmas, full of love and family. 
First Christmas away from home was a little rough... but not too bad because i LOVE what I am doing. I LOVE having the opportunity to spend Christmas as a missionary, as a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ, teaching his Gospel, sharing this message of gladness and love with the people of Argentina.

This week was a little tough, because me and my companion worked and worked and worked and prayed and prayed and worked some more... and nothing. People weren’t home, didn’t want to hear us, didn’t answer their phones, or were too busy with shopping and preparations to receive us. That was super frustrating to me. But I see that I have to learn something from this.  I cant change peoples agency. I can do all that I can, and sometimes it wont immediately change people. But I have to have trust that I am planting seeds, that the Lord sees my efforts and will bless us. Maybe not immediately, but he will bless us and the people we are serving. All I want more than anything is for people to listen, because I know the change and happiness that Christ can bring. But I am learning many lessons. Patience and FAITH beings the two most important. I feel myself changing, growing, becoming stronger, better, and more aware to the promptings of the Spirit and recognizing the lessons i have to learn from the trials i am given. Its still hard, but I am learning to enjoy the process. Enjoy learning from my experiences. Patience and Faith. Patience and Faith.

I am so grateful to be here. Im grateful for my family, for the love they send me. For the support and encouragement from everyone at home. There are so many people here who are alone, without family, sad, and hard. I feel so grateful for the multitude of blessings I have in my life, and thats why I am here. To share those blessings with as many people as I can. Sometimes al lI can do is say Buenos Dias and smile at someone as we pass them in the street. And other times I get to give someone a Book of Mormon, and testify of its truthfulness. There are so many ways to share the light of the Gospel. Big ways and small ones too. But they are all of great worth.

I love you all. I hope you always are happy and healthy, and stay strong in your testimony of the truth. I love this Gospel. I love my Savior.

Give a family member a hug, right now. Give them a hug and tell them you love them. There are so many missionaries that cant do that right now. So take advantage of the time you all have with your families. Love them, and express that love to them. Families are the center part of Gods Plan of Happiness for us. I love being able to share that message. I know its true

I love you all so much. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Hermana Holt