Monday, January 29, 2018


So Saturday night, before transfers were announced, I saw on the phone that i had three missed calls from the secretaries. I got a little nervous... because usually they only call when bad things happen at home..
so I called them back and they said they had some news for me. I got super freaked out... they asked if I was ready to hear.... I said yes.... I think so.....
Then they said I would be leaving Ushuaia the next morning (Sunday) at 5am. WHATTTT???? NO??? Transfers weren’t until Monday! Then they said... chill, because you will be returning to Ushuaia in a few days. WHATTT??? Then it hit me why. They then told me.... I HAD TO GO TO COMODORO FOR THE WEEK TO BE TRAINED AND TO PICK UP THE NEW MISSIONARY THAT I WAS GOING TO TRAIN! I’M GOING TO BE A TRAINER!! A TRAINER!!!! WHATTTT! I then proceeded to freak out with happiness in to the phone, and they all laughed and laughed. They called me before transfers were announced, because I had to hurry to the pension, pack a bag for a few days, get sleep, and at 430am head to the terminal of buses. (colectivos) WHATTTTTTTT.  I was in divisions (splits) with Hermana Aguirre, so i wasn’t with Borba when they told me. So when i got to the pension, i broke the news to her. She was so happy and everyone was l screaming and laughing hahahah. Poor Hermana Borba had migraines all week, so we were in the pension for several days. It was miserable. Hermana Borba then told me that Presidente had called her and told her she would be moved up as one of the 8 sister training leaders (hermanas capacitadoras) in the mission, and would go and serve in Rio Gallegos (12 hours from Ushuaia, tip of the continent). We were all so happy. Then I started to cry cause I realized how big of a responsibility I had now, and that I would be in my same area with this new missionary, and would have to teach her everything, like how Hermana Borba taught me. And I’m still lacking knowledge in so many aspects of the mission. She gave me a bunch of advice.
Then Sunday morning I headed off to Comodoro. It took around 6 hours to get to the end of the island, a 30 minute boat ride, and then 13 more hours in bus to Comodoro. i think. I left 5am Sunday and arrived today at 6am. WOWWWWWW. So basically the last two days have been a blur.
I’m now writing you from Comodoro Rivadavia, where it is WAY to hot to handle. Its p-day, tomorrow the rest of the new trainers will arrive (including my two dear friends from my group that arrived together to the mission -Elder Spencer and Elder Mcdonald, who both have the same amount of time in the mission as me), and the newbies arrive .Wednesday we a have training and Presidente will choose who will be the trainer for who. I’m sure you will know the second I know, because Presidente will put it on facebook. WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOOWOW. Thursday or Friday we head back to Ushuaia in plane or bus, I'm not sure which. and then we start working!

I cant believe it still. 
For the first time in my mission, I got to see my mission. Sounds weird, right? But I arrived to the mission, and went to Ushuaia by plane. And have been there ever since. And my mission is the biggest in the world, so its not like the other zones are right here close to me. They are between 3 and 30 hours away. So i never met anyone else, saw any other areas of my mission. But on the bus ride, we stopped in a lot of my areas. i got to meet so many missionaries that I have heard so much about, and see people who I arrived with. It was so wonderful. I was so happy. It felt like a vacation. Now, me and the one other trainer who traveled with me are staying in a hotel waiting for the other trainers. 

So that’s my week haha

WOW i loved hearing the update about the family! I’ll read that talk you sent. AW i love the pictures!! SO CUTE: . 
You went riding in the desert again? Awesome!
Haha aw Aly and Ash. I loved what you wrote about them.
I’m so glad you are doing good mom. I love you so much and miss you. We didn’t get to teach a whole lot this week because also Presidente came for zone conference, and my comp was sick.... so it was a slow week.
and yes, everyone is still on vacation haha.

OH no you said not to write at four.. here i am, writing at four. of course hahahaaaaa. please write back if you can!
Computers here in Comodoro stink. super slow lololol.

Man, I love hearing the updates about everyone. Thank you! I love you guys so much. Kids are so big. So awesome

I love you
