Thursday, December 13, 2018

December 10, 2018

December 10, 2018- 68 weeks down, 9 to go

Hi mom! How are you?
Wow, thats so so neat!
hey....I hope that this news doesn’t burst your bubble... but I got to tell you. I called Laura and Marce last night. They answered the phone happy to hear me, but I could hear a sadness in their voice... I asked hey whats going on. They said that due to many reasons, one being that Marcelo doesn’t have any work now and a problem with his daughter in BA, he has to leave the 2nd of January to go live and work in Buenos Aires for a year. And Laura has to stay in Ushuaia for her job, she can’t go with him. So they will be forced to live apart for a year almost... and the only time she can get work off is in July, for the ward temple trip.. so they will have to be sealed in July... they were so so sad telling me and started crying, so of course I started crying. They are going through SO many hard trials right now, its unbelievable. But as they told me about everything going on, Marcelo grabs the phone and starts bearing his testimony. He said that even though they are passing through some real hard months, their testimony has never wavered, they keep going strong, and they have a clear understanding that these trials are going to make their family unbreakable and united in the eternities. We talked for over an hour. They thanked me over and over for everything i have done for them. It was beautiful to talk to them, but broke my heart that the plans are going to work out exactly how we thought. I’m so sorry. 
I’m pretty heart broken, but everything happens for a reason. You all already bought the tickets, so I think it would be super neat to pass Tuesday and Wednesday together in Buenos Aires-  hna borba can come down and hna molina could take us to some places, we could spend that time together just us 3. and then head home Wednesday night. 

So weird that the tickets are bought, plans are made... and 9 weeks. I have to admit, its real hard at the end of the mission. My mind wanders so quickly to home and my body just doesn’t want to work anymore. Its an internal battle to get out the door each day. especially now that summer is arriving, and this week has been over 100 degrees. I’ve not felt 100 degrees since California and my body doesn’t like it. and AC doesn’t exist in Argentina sooo windows open fans blowing and cold towels on my head is the only way to not die haha. We go work just like every day, but MAN its brutal. I’m more tan already.... seriously, its been quite miserable with this heat. today is a little cooler so thats nice.

Aww you all fasted and bore your testimony thats super amazing!!!!!!
Dang you seriously are learning a lot by reading the BOM, i get it, i feel the same! I LOVE reading the BOM. I’m now in 3 Nephi and it just blows my mind how  PERFECT the book is, how everything works out, how fast the people forget about God and start being evil again... dang. I love it

I’m glad everyone is happy and healthy! Thats what i like to hear
HEY GOOD JOB with the BOM for grandma and grandpa. I LOVE it. Thank you mom. I think about them a lot and how I’m going to teach them when i get home. seriously. I hope you mark the parts abut Christ and I want to write something and send to you so that you can print it and put it in the cover, my testimony. I’ll do that for next week
I’m so proud of you

Haha yeah i look back at my pics from the start of the mission and i look like a BABY hahaha seriously it cracks me up, i was a little baby with a baby face who had no idea of what was in store for those next 18 months. 

This week went well for me, it was crazy. like always haha. We had to handle some emergency transfers for Hermanas here in the zone. We had to separate them and have interviews with presidente for it and one went a few hours away and the other is here 30 minutes away, so that took up Tuesday Wednsday and part of Thursday. and Friday we had the hermanas from Caleta here for Divisions, but that day it got up to 105 degrees so we all died  a bit haha, butt he divisions went well. Then we got to work Saturday, but yesterday was a HUGE game of BOCA and RIVER, two rivalry teams here, so we couldn’t go outside and after the game everyone was shouting and yelling all night, so we didn’t get to work at all.   But my comp and I are getting along better with each day. We are still way different and she bugs me, but we have the same goal.The OBRA MISIONAL. When we focus on that, we are united and work together real well. So I’m grateful for that. 
Presidente pulled me aside the other day and said he just wanted to tell me that he loves me. He said i looked pretty tired and stressed (from all the emergency transfers) and wanted to tell me that he loves me and a bunch of stuff, made me feel real special.

Julio came back ! He talked this week with Yenni and said he’s done, he wants to separate from her, so he’s in plans to look for somewhere to live, but its real hard and there are a lot of details (like his kids) and a ton of stuff. But amazing how even though we didn’t hear from him for like a week, he was talking and reading and praying still, and wants to be baptized so bad. We taught word of wisdom again because someone said he was drinking, and he promised to start licking it....

We have a new investigator, Manuel  that we found and taught one time. We made plans so that he would come to church, and he accepted a baptismal date for the 29. So Sunday morning ( we wanted to pass by his house but he lives really far away and we didn’t have money for  a taxi) we called and the phone rang but he didn’t answer, and then we called again and he turned off his phone. We were super bummed and sad... but i felt super tranquila, and didn’t know why. So we walk to church and sit down and everything, and two seconds before the reuniones start my comp starts hitting my arm hard HERMANA HERMANA MANUAL ESTA AQUIIIIIIIII whattt so i look over and there he is in the doorway, dressed nice and everything! We almost started shouting of happiness andr an over and brought him to our seat. He stayed all 3 hours and loved it. It was a miracle. Pray that he can arrive at his baptismal date oft he 29th of dec. I know he can!! My area hasn’t had a baptism since April, so that gives you an idea of how difficult it is... .haha

But I’m doing well. happy healthy and doing exercises. its super hot and that affects me, and I’m tired and trunky sometimes, but praying to be able to focus up each week and take it day by day, step by step. Christmas is so close and we have lots of stuff planned with the mission and everything. The concerts are a huge sucess seriously!

I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!! you sustain me, help me, love me, and give me motivation to keep going. I love you and am so grateful for you


December 3, 2018

December 3, 2018- 67 weeks down, 10 to go
Hola mi querida mami!!!!
How are you?
What a sweet letter from you, I loved it!
Yes, the christmas concerts started. Im not in the traveling group, so i will be in the concerts on the 21 22 and 23rd of this month in caleta and comodoro. Im super excited! It was a huge success in rio gallegos this week. Im pumped!!

I’m so glad things are going better with Ashlyn, i think thats exactly what you have to do. Keep pushing through, do exactly what you are doing! I’m happy for you guys. I know its probably pretty hard.. but you are doing the right thing!

Aw I'm so happy to hear that Brandon is becoming such a little man, so sweet and tender. I cant wait to see him again and see how he has changed. I’m glad you all get to go out and spend personal time together! I’m sure that was the best!

Aly!..... Mission? Is that in her plans at all? I had no idea..!? But wow.. tell me more! Is she talking about going?
She always writes me the sweetest letters

BIG NEWSSS:: YOUNG WOMENS PRESIDENT!!!!!!! WOW WAY TO GO! You are going to be absolutely amazing.. it all makes sense! I’m so happy for you,  you will be fantastic. Wow! Man I totally get you with the whole sis ludlow thing, man we are so similar you and I haha!! Im so SO proud of you mom, don’t doubt that you will do a fantastic job. These girls don't know how lucky they are! Oh no... I’m going to be show and tell? HAHAH

Thank you mom for you sweet praise. Each Monday reading you and the families sweet comments about my missionary service and sacrifice just mean the world to me. Cause for everyone here, either they are a missionary, they are a member (al the members here are ehhh) or a normal person living in Comodoro who has never seen or gives importance to missionaries. SO its nice to feel a little recognized every once in a while! Thanks mom, seriously. I love you and I am so glad that the promise of my setting apart blessing is being fulfilled - Family members will have their testimonies strengthened by your missionary service - 
Thanks mom

This week for me went really well! I got to work! Each day! I think Tuesday i ate gluten and got pretty sick, so sick that i made the firm resolution to not touch flour again in my mission haha. I started my -10 Semanas de Sexy- as its called here. Lots of exercise in the morning, eating better, water... MAN is it hot here! Im starting to get a tiny tiny bit of my tan back! Well, at least on my feet... haha. I like the heat, i missed it, and i think it will help me lose a little weight before coming home! Thats the goal.
Julio, disappeared off the map after yenni called us to go to her house and talk with her, she talked for like 3 hours and dumped a bunch of crap on us about julio and it was tough... i don’t know if the things she told us are lies or real, but now julio isnt answering. Renata disappeared off the face of the earth too. SOOO.... we have been... starting from 0. CONTACTING YAY! haha that was only slightly sarcastic. We leave and just go talk with everyone. We have been blessed to find a few part member families and less actives, so this coming week we have return visits. we didn’t get let into anyones home this week, but we did teach a few lessons in their patios and doorways. Its something, at least! Im grateful that a lot of people passed us their directions, hoping that at least ONE of them can be a new investigator and be baptized in this month. I want to baptize!!!
We have two new people, Joana and Manuel, only one lesson with each one, but they were really receptive and want to learn from us and want to read in the book of mormon... HUGE blessing. The people of Comodoro are really duro as we say... but its ok, we will find people! 
I haven't been stressed, been super tired trying to get back in the rhythm of hard work each day. Getting along pretty well with hna oliveira this week. hna williams has been travleing all week for the concert, so it was just us 2. we talk and laugh and work well together. im started to like her. haha. i think by the end of the transfer we will be decent friends

i happy and healthy. I’m missing you all. Because hna o goes home the same day as me and talks about home a lot its making me a little trunky, dreamt about you all last night, but I’m going try to stay focused. this month will be busy

i love you so mom!!!!