Tuesday, August 28, 2018

August 27, 2018

hi mom!!
I’m great, my week went super well!!
Sounds like you guys had a great week too, wow lots of adventures!!! And that video just about killed me hahahahah poor Koda. SO funny.
I love you guys so much!

Well, a little bit of news...

I Got Transferred!
My new area....

COMODORO RIVADAVIA, KILOMETROS 3 (el barrio de presidente Salerno y los elderes de la oficina).
Mi companera..... HERMANA BORBA!
Thats right, HERMANA BORBA! Can you believe it? We think Presidente went insane haha. This was a transfer i was NOT expecting, but I’m super  super happy!!!!!! She has two transfers left, so it is very probable that I will “Kill” her in the mission. I can’t believe it! 

I’m currently in Trelew for P-day, and tomorrow at 10am i jump on the colectivo and head for Comodoro, only 5 hours so its a quickie. All my buds from the zone are getting sent off as trainers, and the majority are going to Gallegos, so I’m pretty sad i wont be with them anymore. But its time for a new chapter, a new adventure in my mission! This very well could be my last area in the mission.  I have 4 traslados left. Only four!

A little about this week
After P-day Tuesday, Wednesday we stayed in Rawson to work, and that evening we headed off to Madryn for the last divisiones with the hermanas there. The divisions went well, I was with an hermana de Ecuador, who is in her training in the mission still, super new, has 3 months as a missionary. Made me feel super old haha. The energy and faith of the new missionaries is incredible, she was hauling butt up all the hills and streets and I was trying to keep up haha. But we had a great time and i was able to give her some personal advice and we had an interesting experience.
We were in these buildings, knocking doors, and we knocked this one door and a lady came out. She didn’t just answer, but came all the way out to talk, which was a surprise, so we began to present ourselves and began to introduce our message. She said she was already in a church, and had everything. We began with some basic principles, and she was like Yeah i already know that and that and that... so I showed her my Book of Mormon and asked “But have you read this book?” she said she had heard of it, but not read it. I began to explain what it was... and she was like, its like the Bible? Yeah i answered. And i began to offer to bring her one and she said No, why would i want another book if i already have the Bible? i don’t want some book that Smith wrote, the Bible is perfect and we don’t need anything more. Surprised, I began to reexplain that its MORE of the word of God, and who doesn’t want more knowledge and truth? She said she doesn’t, and practically quoted from the Book of Mormon A bible A bible i have a bible, and i don’t need anymore Bible. She began to be mean so we finished and left. It made me sad, because at the end she wouldn’t let me give my testimony about the Book of Mormon. It was in that moment that I realized I have a burning testimony about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. I know its true, and I’m so grateful for the knowledge that it gives me. With the Bible we have a lot, but with the Book of Mormon added, we have EVERYTHING! 

Friday and Saturday we got to work in Rawson. I had the feeling that i would be leaving, so I made each moment count. We found 2 new investigators that are SUPER CAPOS. One accepted a fecha bautismal! Noel, he’s 17 years old and super awesome super attentive. And Gabriela, we entered her house and taught all of lesson 1, the restauracion. She listened and had some great questions. She accepted a Book of Mormon and was going to come to church with us, but Saturday night she tripped and fell and hurt herself pretty bad so she didn’t come. But its ok, I know she’s gonna progress!!

Saturday night they announced traslados.... Hermana Valenzuela (serving in Trelew) and Hermana Chirinos (my daughter!) are coming to Rawson!!!!!!! Hermana Crespo my companion is going to Trelew with Hermana Williams (the old comp of Hermana Valenzuela). Its a little switch up in the zone haha but its going to be fantastic. My only wish was to leave my area full of investigators with potential... and thank the heavens, we were able to!!!!!!!!

Sunday was super super sad. It was ward conference and there was a light cut (power outage?). But me and my comp were able to give our final testimonies. When it was my turn, i got up there and looked out at everyone and before i could even get a word out I just started to cry and cry. Hermanita Olga came up to the podium and gave me a tissue, so sweet. It took a minute before i could get my words out and bear my testimony. I have had so many miracles and experiences here in Rawson, with these dear members, that it just took my breath away and I was so sad and so grateful at the same time. It was a great experience to be able to bear my testimony to them all. I don’t remember what i said, but the words just started coming and coming. I cried like a baby. And after we took a ton of pics with all the members and they all came and hugged me and man was it hard to not start crying all over again.
Sunday we packed and cleaned and prepared everything for the hermanas. We visited Guillermina too. She is progressing SO MUCH. SO DANG MUCH. Its amazing. She is so funny, calls us her angelitos, sus amores. 
This morning Nico (our converso) and Guillermina took us in his truck to Trelew with all our luggage (Highly recommended to baptize people with huge trucks hahahahah cause no one else in the ward has a truck haha kidding kidding). They dropped us off and my said our goodbyes. Guillermina took my face in her hands and said I’m never going to forget you. Oh man did i cry like a baby again for a while. 
Now we are here in the ciber writing.

So that was my week. Wonderful and hard. Change is hard but it is exciting. 

I’m happy and well. I love you all so much. Miss you. Now that the months are passing fast, and its coming to an end in just 5 months... its hard to not think about the future. But I want to focus up and keep my mind on the goal of giving it everything i have!!!!!!!! I love the mission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you mom

August 20, 2018

hey momm!!!!
This week went absolutely fantasticcccccccc

So Tuesday was conference with presidente. Went super well as usual. I truly enjoy being with him and being able to talk and hear his testimony. After conference me and my comp had a combined interview with him to go over the plans and the hermanas in our area, the success of Rawson, and other things. At the end, me and my comp both asked a blessing from him. Because in these last few weeks i have been super stressed and exhausted that i cant make it through the whole day. So he gave me this super amazing blessing, super unique... some things that stood out to me where that i am in this calling as an hermana capacitadora because i have a lot to give, and because this opportunity will bless me with more skills and knowledge for the rest of my life. That we are doing things in Rawson that other missionaries couldn’t do, and he blessed me with renewed energy and tranquilidad and a reminder to rest and enjoy. He quoted Mosiah 4:27 in the blessing. It was amazing, and each day after until today i have had a peace and calmness that i have never ever had in my mission before. I’m not tired, I’m happy, calm... my comp was super shocked hahahah. I’m shocked too. It worked haha!!
Wednesday was a lot of travels and meetings, but we had a great lesson with Guillermina. 
Thursday and Friday we were able to get out there and work in the area! Did a lot of contacting and had a lot of success!! We know that it is very very very probable that at the end of this week (because we have transfers) that the both of us will be leaving Rawson, so we want to leave the area full of new progressing investigatores!!!!!!
Saturday we got all ready for the baptism... AND SHE WAS BAPTIZED AND CONFIRMED!!!! It was a beautiful experience, I think my favorite conversion and baptism that I have had in my mission until now. She was so calm and so happy, prepared the whole day reading and getting ready for the baptism. She has never been so happy, and after 45 years, has completely left smoking!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday night we got a message from the asistentes that p-day would be Tuesday instead of Monday... I was super angry at first because I need my p-day bro! My mind was mentally ready to relax. but I decided that no, everything is for a reason, we are gonna give it our best tomorrow. So Monday, yesterday, we went out and worked a TONNNNNN. We had 1 lesson with a member, 7 other lessons, and a new investigator that is of GOLD. It was an AMAZING day and I never felt discouraged because it wasn’t p-day or anything!!! I was so grateful.

Today we cleaned and are getting ready to go to Trelew to be with the other missionaries, to celebrate our last p-day of the transfer together. I cant believe another transfer has come and gone... and in only 4 more transfers I’ll be home... i don’t like how fast the time is going and how when the members ask how much time we have in the mission and we say a little more than a year they all respond.. oh wow you’re basically done. Its like NO chill I’ve still got timeeeee.


Bbut i love you. Thank you for all the updates. WOW ALY IS IN COLLEGE MY MIND CANT BELIVE IT YET. She looks gorgeous. so grown up.... it blows me away. How are you feeling?? How was the experience of taking your second daughter to college???  How are the Pomars, and Calebs girlfriend????????? Tell me all about it

i love you so much mommmyyyyy


Yeah its ok, all the trips and travels and things were just building up in my for a while, and i couldn’t do it anymore. So the blessing really helped, I feel like a new person and I take each day slower now. Its helping me be able to endure to the end! Because the last 6 months are very very very different from the first 6 months. The first 6 you have this energy and enthusiasm to do EVERYTHINNGGGGG and you don’t know anything so time passes slowwwly. But the last six, pass so fast and there is so much to do and I’m already accustomed to this way of life but so much is required of us but we are so tired from a year in the mission that our energy just isn’t the same... so its been a huge blessing to feel this peace and calmness that I feel!!!!!! 
And the baptism was amazing. I have had 6 baptisms here in Rawson, a blessing that i never imagined possible......
I’m so glad you got to spend so much time with the Pomars and that they make you feel so loved. They truly are amazing, and they always write, I miss them!!!!!!!!!

What else, tell me more!

Friday, August 24, 2018

August 13, 2018

August 13, 2018- 51 weeks down, 26 left


I’m sorry, I don’t have the time to send each one an email... but i read each email, saw each video, got the package....


I am so very proud of you all, so eternally grateful that you are my family. You are all so caring, so sweet and attentive to me. You all give me more love and attention than i can ever deserve!

I hope you are well, that you are happy and excited for all of the wonderful changes and adventures that await each one this week. Especially Alygirl, heading off to college. To me, it was just yesterday that i was getting ready to go to BYU, then studying, getting ready to go on the mission,. leaving, and now... a year into the mission? its unreal... the feelings are undescribable. Its so hard, in ways that i never imagined. But its so wonderful. The people, the MIRACLES, the feeling you have watching someone you have taught be baptized. Its an experience unlike any other. 
Seeing my buddies come home.. gotta say, it was a weird weird feeling. Seeing their change and their confidence and happiness has given me the motivation this week to strive to be a better person and missionary, to make each second count. It feels like their mission took a lifetime, but seconds at the same time... and i understand it. it feels like an eternity, but its flying by. i want to make each second count, i want to CHANGE and become a better person so that i  can make my savior proud and use His time wisely here in the mission field.

Aly, I’m so excited for your new adventure in college.It’s going to be an absolutely amazing experience

Ashy, I’m so happy for all your amazing changes, driving, seminary, all these new things. You are getting so grown up

Buddy boy.... wow your voice has changed A TON in that video i watched...freaked me out a bit! You are getting so dang big and i love you so much

Mom and Dad, i love you guys. You are so tender, so sweet and i can’t wait to see you again. take these next 6 months with patience and not with anxiety please…you're killing me a bit haha. I want to hear all about the adventures and changes, but i want to be able to focus a bit too, i know you miss me but i don’t want you to be missing me so much that you are crying! its ok and its only 18 months!!!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS

Thank you for all that you do. Have an absolutely fantastic week and enjoy the Utah trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please tell Alan and Cooper that i love them, it was amazing to see them and hear their voices, and that their change is inspiring for me. Tell Alan his Spanish has a weird accent hahahaha kidding. Love those guys so much


Mucho amor, 
Hermana Holt 

haha i love hearing from you too. I love hearing all of your voices.
Alan and Cooper... wow. have to say, The videos made me cry a lot hahah but its a good amazing feeling. i love them alot... 
and I seriously love you guys too!!! thank you for being so sweet and caring for me, i don’t deserve all of your attention and love!
yes yes don’t worry, i got your sweet package. thank you for the watch too!!!!!!! you guys are amazing

haha yep, i got it Saturday night and it was so nice to get your sweet cards and photos, and you gave me so many things. Thank you so much.
Everything is absolutely perfect, thank you so much.
Made me sad to hear from everyone that you were crying and super sad on my birthday... i didn’t want you guys to be sad! just happy and keep moving forward. love you

So... the baptism went through!!!! Nicolas Vazquez was baptized Saturday night and confirmed Sunday morning! Best birthday present. There was a corte de luz (power outage) in Rawson from 7am to noon on Sunday, so it was hard to get ready in the morning and hard not to sleep in church hahahaha chiste chiste. But for lunch my comp cooked me a pastel de papa, one of my fav foods from here, and a gluten free cake with dulce de leche yeahhhh hahaha! my district leader and his comp came all the way down to Rawson to eat with us , so that we wouldn’t be alone! and they gave me a card and a shirt and peanut m and ms! they are so sweet. then we traveled to Trelew, then to Madryn, to sit in the chapel while everyone (but us and a few elders) had interviews with presidente and hna Salerno. but they wished me a happy birthday and sang to me haha i was so embarrassed but it was sweet.

Cards didn’t arrive, takes a long time haha don’t worry!
We got to stay in a cool hotel last night and tonight too, conference tomorrow. p-day here in Madryn has been great, we saw whales and played in the sand and just relaxedddddddd. ate lunch and just hung out and laughed. I can laugh all day with my zone. i love em to death. The elders are so dumb sometimes and everything is funnier in Spanish hahaha

But I’m happy, I’m doing well. My only concern, after seeing the videos and in this week, is that i am not changing. i feel like everyone always says I’ve changed and I’m changed, but thats a typical thing to say to a missionary. i feel like Alan and Cooper are completely different, and maybe I haven’t changed too much. i want to become better, stronger, happier, more spiritual, like them.

i love you guys so much. thank you for being the best family in the world

PLEASE TELL EVERYONE THAT I READ EACH AND EVERY EMAIL; BUT THAT I HAVE NO TIME TO RESPOND TO EVERYONE AND IM SUPER SUPER SORRY. But  I read each one and I’m so grateful for all of the wonderful people in my life, that they are enjoying my experiences almost as much as i am, and that they are happy and healthy and enjoying their time. THANK YOU!

love u

August 6, 2018

August 6, 2018- 50 weeks down, 27 left
hi mom!!
how are you?

My week was really good! Really busy with lots of trips and preparations, but I had a great time and learned a lot and saw lots of blessings. 

I cant believe that it is August as well... the truth is that the fact that it has been a year, that I’m turning 20, this is the week Mckayl got married, Aly is going to college, Alan and Coop will be home AHORA... has put me pretttttty dang sad this week. I’m trying to not let it all get to me. But its really a lot harder and sadder than I thought it would be. ugh. It’s been a little struggle.

Aw I’m so excited for Elly. it will be super hard for sure, for everyone... but it will be so wonderful at the same time. They say that Vina del Mar is absolutely gorgeous. She will be an absolutely amazing missionary. Please send my love and hugs to Romy and Bishop. I love them all a lot!
I’m so happy for Tarbet and Stouts families. PLEASE GO . PLEASE GIVE COOP AND ALAN A HUGE HUGE HUG FOR ME MOM. And send me pics and videos. I love those two guys so much and cant wait for the day where I can see them again. 

Glad buddy had a fun time. Eww. gross little bugger haha. But glad he enjoyed himself at least. Smother hahaha

Ashlyn enjoyed girls camp? love the pics, looks like a blast

Aw Aly. I love her and am so incredibly happy for her! its going to be a wonderful adventure and she is already so capable and smart, it will be a breeze for her. What craziness about the apartment....but I hope you can get it all figured out!

YAY THE TRUCK! I cant wait to see it. Hope it works great. Dad told me all about the process... he feels super happy that it started on the first try aw hahah. Super awesome!!!

Aw. I’m sure the box will get here super soon, don’t worry! We have conference the 14, so it should be that day, or consejo, the first week of September. so it will be here in a flash! Thank you guys for preparing a box for me. Love you a lot! Poor Presidente is super busy, so if he forget to send you an email don’t worry

Way to go!!!!!Man its like you can only eat paper hahaha. But i hope you can get in shape and feel good! I feel good about my weight, because iI know that when I get home I’ll be able to take it off pretty quick. Its just so hard here in the mission. But i don’t feel bad.

awww gonna have a pretty empty house! thinking about downsizing???

i love you too mom. don’t be sad! I love you! Im ok! I’m happy! Working and trying to change and learn and be a better person.


i put photos!!!!

Write me!

sorry i also forget to say what happened to me this week hahaha

The first part of the week we were in Puerto Madryn on divisiones with the hermanas there, who need some help.. it was good but man was i tired after divisions and the meetings with the zone leaders there and all the traveling!!!!
Thursday and Friday we were able to work. Friday i think it was, had a miracle. the ward had given us a reference of a menos activa less active, so we went to visit. we knocked the gate, and she didn’t come out, but her 21 year old son did. He’s not baptized and began to ask us a ton of questions and said that the time his mom got baptized he didn’t want to learn or hear anything, but now he does and he wants us to teach him! We said a prayer together right there outside of his house, and we were so happy. Facundo. I hope we can see more miracles with him!!!!!! The lord knows that my and my comp have barely any time to work in our area, cause we have so many travels and meetings and have to help the hermanas... but he is blessing us SO MUCH.
THIS SATURDAY I HAVE A BAPTISM. NICOLAS!!!!!! at 730 pm. We are pumpedddddddd
and the best part
the next week.... GUILLERMINA WILL BE BAPTIZED at 730pm too!!!!!! She is the best investigator i have ever had. Does all the reading, prays, puts goals, came to church all three hours the last two Sundays, comes to the chapel for lessons and cries of happiness. She is an absolute miracle and calls us her two angels. I’m so incredibly happy with her and her decision and her progress. Absolute miracle.
So despite the fact that between this last week and the week upcoming we will have a grand total of 3 or 4 days in the area working... we will have two baptisms. I’m so thankful and can see what a grand blessing this is for my diligence and strict obedience!!!!!!!
Saturday morning we contacted and contacted and contacted, and NO ONE wanted to listen. most of them didn’t even answer the door. Made us sad. We got to the end of Rawson. Literally. And there is just desert and desert. we stood there and looked out over the vast empty desert and thought wow. We were sent here to the end of the world to fulfill the scriptures and preach the gospel to every person. Made me feel pretty special, despite all the lack of success that morning.
So many miracles mom. So many heartaches and trials and lessons learned, people met, experiences, sadnesses, happiness, everything.  I can’t even explain it. But the hour i get each day to read the Book of Mormon flies by and i want to just keep reading. Sometimes i read Liahonas and the truth is that I don’t even know if I’m reading in English or Spanish. Its all the same to me now. I speak without thinking, dream in Spanish, joke, everything. I don’t breathe a word of English until Monday with you.
Its crazy

I love you all more than I can ever say. I will miss you all this week, especially Sunday. But it will be ok. my elders are arranging a cool lunch i think, and my comp is desperate to find a gluten free cake hahahaha

i love you mom

Friday, August 3, 2018

July 30, 2018

July 30, 2018- 49 weeks down, 28 left
Hey fam!

So I wanted to write all the things that happened to me this week in one big email to you, so that I wouldn’t have to rewrite it 5 times haha. 
So you all know the last few weeks have been super rough, no work, haven’t been feeling too great and was pretty sad and stressed. All the investigatores either dropped us, or stopped answering, and I wasn’t in the area for two weeks so that made it hard.

But last week, when i wrote you guys, i was pretty frustrated. I had written Presidente the week before, telling him all about the struggles and lack of people and everything. and last Monday, he wrote me a pretty long response back that surprised me in what it said.
i told him that we had lots of investiagtores that were at the point of baptism, and then they just disappeared and Ii didn’t know what more to do for them.
He told me in his response,
   I promise you that if you go and search out those prepared investigatores for a few more days in this week,  you will have success and find them.. Do it for a few days, before you go looking for new investigatores. I love you, my wonderful missionary! 
That surprised me (and made me happy, cause Presidente NEVER responds to letters and its not easy to get a compliment out of him). but it was a promise from presidente, and me and my comp decided to put it to the test .. a trial of faith for me for sure, because iI felt like it would be a waste of time.

Some of those prepared people were, Gabriel, Pato, Guillermina, Alejandra.

So during the week, we started with Guillermina. passed by her house .. AND SHE WAS THERE. Turns out for 2.5 weeks she was SUPER sick and in Trelew with her son, and her phone had stopped working. She was on the mend from her sickness, and invited us back for a lesson on Friday and Saturday. 
We went to the lesson, with a member, and turns out she still wants to learn from us. We taught, and invited her to baptism, and SHE ACCEPTED A FECHA FOR THE 18th of AUGUST!
Sunday morning we passed by her house and she CAME TO CHURCH WITH US!!!!! She loved it. She cried during the sacrament meeting and stayed for all three hours. ITS A MIRACLE.
Gabriel we haven’t been able to contact yet
Pato.. we traveled all the way to Playa to visit them. We stopped by... and he was HOME! We couldn’t enter, because he was alone... but I noted a huge change in him. A lot harder, sadder... it made me sad to see. We shared a scripture with him, but he didn’t want to come to church with us Sunday. Later that night, by some other miracle, i crossed paths with Hermana Barbara, his mom! She told me that they had been fighting recently, and that he has a friend that is anti-mormon that is hurting him a lot... so we are going to see what we can do to help. It was a miracle that finally we got to talk with him, after months.
Alejandra. Before her baptism, she disappeared off the face of the earth. doesn’t answer. Never is home. But we passed by this week.. knocked and knocked and SHE WAS HOME. Couldn’t attend us because she had to leave, but we were able to chat a bit, and she was content to see us. We fixed an hour for a lesson the next day, but at the last second, she couldn’t come. But we finally made contact with her.

And a week ago, me and my comp got down on our knees and begged for a miracle. We wanted to see a miracle this transfer.
And this week we saw it.
We were waiting in the church Wednesday afternoon, and Hermana Sandra was there, we chatted a bit... and out of nowhere she says
Hey i have a nephew that was an investigator. He almost got  baptized. but I think he's interested in hearing the message again, wanna teach him?
uhhh yessssssssss
So she passed his number, and Saturday we had a lesson with him in the church... he is SUPER prepared, left drinking, smoking, and is single.... and wants to be baptized. We put a fecha for august 11!!!!!!!!!! A birthday gift for me!!!!!!!! AND HE CAME TO CHURCH WITH US!!!!!!


I was so happy. Even though a few bad and hard things happened to us all the same, it didn’t matter, because we were so happy that we had prayed with faith for miracles, and followed the promise of presidente, and it all was fulfilled.

Hermana Simons came to Rawson Saturday afternoon to say goodbye to Rawson. She’s going home, and started her mission here. It was hard, because we had to accompany her and couldn’t work as much and i got a bit frustrated haha. But we had a neat...well, hard... experience that will affect me the rest of my mission and far beyond.

Her convert, Brenda Medina, is active in the ward with her husband and two little kids. 
They are the poorest family I have ever met. They live in a tiny little house and they love the missionaries, and Hermana Simons, more than anymore in the world. They see us as angels. So they invited us over Sunday night so that they could say goodbye to Hermana Simons.
We came, not expecting food or anything, because they don’t have any.
But they wanted to give us something, so as we sat there and talked,Brenda is looking through her tiny cupboard for something to cook for us. I kid you not when i say this. She had a half bag of rice. a bag of pasta, and a little bit of corn flour. She whips out the bag of pasta, runs and buys a little bit of tomato sauce and a hamburger to cut up, and made us a pasta dinner. at one point she opened her fridge, and there was nothing in it but water. 
I didn’t even want to eat the food, I felt so out of place. But we ate it, because they were so happy to be able to give us food and to talk with us and read the scriptures. They have such a hard life, but they are so grateful for the gospel that Hermana simons shared with them that they don’t even notice that they don’t have anything. They only have a little bit of clothes. Nothing else. 
It affected me so much. I met Brenda a while ago and have always talked with her, but had never been with her in her house much. I knew they were poor, but I didn’t realize how awful their situation was. And its not unique...theres a lot of people in Rawson like this, including Lucia.

At the end of the dinner, when we had to leave, Hermana Simons and Brenda started crying and crying. It hurt me and made me think a lot about when i said bye to Marrcelo and Laura. As we left, Hermana Simons just broke down and started sobbing. I did too, we went a little ways off and just hugged and cried and cried. (she is from Utah) (my comp is from Argentina.. and was just looking at us, not understanding why we were bawling like idiots in the middle of the street). But i knew exactly what Hermana Simons was thinking. Because she got out between sobs... we are so blessed. This isn’t real life. We got in the taxi and got to the pension, because it was late. We just sat there, crying because I couldn’t believe it. These people are so amazing. But they literally don’t have food, and gave us the last of what they had. They don’t have money. They don’t have anything. 
As we talked therein the pension, Hermana Crespo said she didn’t understand why we were so distraught. We explained that its a little unexplainable...that we basically come from another world where its just so different....
Mom it was so crazy. But this is why I came on the mission, to have experiences like this. See what the gospel can do for you when you literally have nothing else. 
It’s amazing.
I don’t want to come home, I don’t want to see my big house or my cars or go and buy new clothes and go to school and have everything handed to me, its just not fair.I don’t want to hear my siblings complain that they don’t like the dinner or want a new shirt, because i wont be able to take it... I’m sorry in advance.
It’s a different world that I’ve now been living in for a year.
Our lunch Sunday with Hermana Antinoa was egg and rice.. because theres nothing else to give us. Theres just nothing.No one has money or food. It is amazing.

But I’m happy. i love this mission. I'm proud to be in one of the hardest missions in the world. I love Argentina. I love this gospel. i love to be a missionary of the Lord Jesus Christ and spread the glorious news of his gospel to everyone i pass. i love stopping the people in the street to share a Book of Mormon with them-
This is the true church. There is no room for doubt.

i love you all so much. please, be happy together. i miss you all a lot. But i am so happy for the chance i have to be here for a short 18 months to serve these people

love you

Mucho amor, 
Hermana Holt 

Argentina Comodoro Rivadavia Mission