Tuesday, August 28, 2018

August 27, 2018

hi mom!!
I’m great, my week went super well!!
Sounds like you guys had a great week too, wow lots of adventures!!! And that video just about killed me hahahahah poor Koda. SO funny.
I love you guys so much!

Well, a little bit of news...

I Got Transferred!
My new area....

COMODORO RIVADAVIA, KILOMETROS 3 (el barrio de presidente Salerno y los elderes de la oficina).
Mi companera..... HERMANA BORBA!
Thats right, HERMANA BORBA! Can you believe it? We think Presidente went insane haha. This was a transfer i was NOT expecting, but I’m super  super happy!!!!!! She has two transfers left, so it is very probable that I will “Kill” her in the mission. I can’t believe it! 

I’m currently in Trelew for P-day, and tomorrow at 10am i jump on the colectivo and head for Comodoro, only 5 hours so its a quickie. All my buds from the zone are getting sent off as trainers, and the majority are going to Gallegos, so I’m pretty sad i wont be with them anymore. But its time for a new chapter, a new adventure in my mission! This very well could be my last area in the mission.  I have 4 traslados left. Only four!

A little about this week
After P-day Tuesday, Wednesday we stayed in Rawson to work, and that evening we headed off to Madryn for the last divisiones with the hermanas there. The divisions went well, I was with an hermana de Ecuador, who is in her training in the mission still, super new, has 3 months as a missionary. Made me feel super old haha. The energy and faith of the new missionaries is incredible, she was hauling butt up all the hills and streets and I was trying to keep up haha. But we had a great time and i was able to give her some personal advice and we had an interesting experience.
We were in these buildings, knocking doors, and we knocked this one door and a lady came out. She didn’t just answer, but came all the way out to talk, which was a surprise, so we began to present ourselves and began to introduce our message. She said she was already in a church, and had everything. We began with some basic principles, and she was like Yeah i already know that and that and that... so I showed her my Book of Mormon and asked “But have you read this book?” she said she had heard of it, but not read it. I began to explain what it was... and she was like, its like the Bible? Yeah i answered. And i began to offer to bring her one and she said No, why would i want another book if i already have the Bible? i don’t want some book that Smith wrote, the Bible is perfect and we don’t need anything more. Surprised, I began to reexplain that its MORE of the word of God, and who doesn’t want more knowledge and truth? She said she doesn’t, and practically quoted from the Book of Mormon A bible A bible i have a bible, and i don’t need anymore Bible. She began to be mean so we finished and left. It made me sad, because at the end she wouldn’t let me give my testimony about the Book of Mormon. It was in that moment that I realized I have a burning testimony about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. I know its true, and I’m so grateful for the knowledge that it gives me. With the Bible we have a lot, but with the Book of Mormon added, we have EVERYTHING! 

Friday and Saturday we got to work in Rawson. I had the feeling that i would be leaving, so I made each moment count. We found 2 new investigators that are SUPER CAPOS. One accepted a fecha bautismal! Noel, he’s 17 years old and super awesome super attentive. And Gabriela, we entered her house and taught all of lesson 1, the restauracion. She listened and had some great questions. She accepted a Book of Mormon and was going to come to church with us, but Saturday night she tripped and fell and hurt herself pretty bad so she didn’t come. But its ok, I know she’s gonna progress!!

Saturday night they announced traslados.... Hermana Valenzuela (serving in Trelew) and Hermana Chirinos (my daughter!) are coming to Rawson!!!!!!! Hermana Crespo my companion is going to Trelew with Hermana Williams (the old comp of Hermana Valenzuela). Its a little switch up in the zone haha but its going to be fantastic. My only wish was to leave my area full of investigators with potential... and thank the heavens, we were able to!!!!!!!!

Sunday was super super sad. It was ward conference and there was a light cut (power outage?). But me and my comp were able to give our final testimonies. When it was my turn, i got up there and looked out at everyone and before i could even get a word out I just started to cry and cry. Hermanita Olga came up to the podium and gave me a tissue, so sweet. It took a minute before i could get my words out and bear my testimony. I have had so many miracles and experiences here in Rawson, with these dear members, that it just took my breath away and I was so sad and so grateful at the same time. It was a great experience to be able to bear my testimony to them all. I don’t remember what i said, but the words just started coming and coming. I cried like a baby. And after we took a ton of pics with all the members and they all came and hugged me and man was it hard to not start crying all over again.
Sunday we packed and cleaned and prepared everything for the hermanas. We visited Guillermina too. She is progressing SO MUCH. SO DANG MUCH. Its amazing. She is so funny, calls us her angelitos, sus amores. 
This morning Nico (our converso) and Guillermina took us in his truck to Trelew with all our luggage (Highly recommended to baptize people with huge trucks hahahahah cause no one else in the ward has a truck haha kidding kidding). They dropped us off and my said our goodbyes. Guillermina took my face in her hands and said I’m never going to forget you. Oh man did i cry like a baby again for a while. 
Now we are here in the ciber writing.

So that was my week. Wonderful and hard. Change is hard but it is exciting. 

I’m happy and well. I love you all so much. Miss you. Now that the months are passing fast, and its coming to an end in just 5 months... its hard to not think about the future. But I want to focus up and keep my mind on the goal of giving it everything i have!!!!!!!! I love the mission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you mom