Tuesday, October 31, 2017

She didn’t have much time to write so she asked me to send this short note along with excerpts from her letter to me.  So if it is a little disjointed this week, you know why!!

From her letter to me:

My week was good. We had lots of neat experiences and tender mercies. The weather changes every second I swear.. some minutes its so cold im dying, and others im just in one thin jacket. And then another second it starts to snow, and the wind, and then sun! AH! haha. 
Yep I sing hymns, read Jesus the Christ, and read my Libro De Mormon when I feel down or stressed (sooo everyday lol). We have a few awesome investigators, but its so hard to get ahold of people here because they hate to answer their phones and they hate committment. We have had SO many appointments fall through its a joke. But, those who want to learn will learn. And we are teaching a mom of a 18 year old member, and she came to church twice and is super amazing! Mom the poverty in that family is unbelievable. They barely have enough for food for the week. Their house is smaller and darker than my bedroom at home, and there are 4 of them. Its crazy. But yet on Sundays she puts on her best clothes and comes to church!

I am sleeping well, (trying to) eat well, but oh the panaderias here are soooo tempting!, Sharing my testimony and teaching during lessons more and more as I because a little more comfortable with the language each week ( I still have a long way to go).
The mission is so much more different than I originally htought it was. I thought it would be a grind every second of every day, so when I got here, I started out at full speed GO GO GO. I learned real quick that this is not a sprint, but a marathon, and its ok to take 10 minutes to cook something or buy a treat or talk to another missionary. I wanted to just run out the door and every second of the day teach people, but the mission is so much more than that. We have 3 hours of different studies each day, service and helping out the other missionaries, attending and setting up baptisms, staying long after church, meetings with the ward mission leader (hermano polanco.. he is a BOSS), and SO much more. I am learning to adjust to all of the many responsibilities and things we have to do. Its not just teaching, but being an example and a light in every moment, even on the busses or taxis. Or when we are walking miles to go pick up a lunch, or walking to an investigaotrs house. Its crazy how many things happen in one day. I hope one day to tell you about each and every detail! 
Know for now that I am learning to de-stress, have patience and humility, and remembering to have a little fun. Not in a disobedient way, but in a way that reminds me that I am still just a 19 year old girl, on an adventure, learning to share the message that brings her the most happiness! I am starting to meet more missionaries and make more friends.
 I've realized I am still in the first 3 miles of my 18 mile journey! 

I sent Amy a bunch of pictures- Aw yeah the Trunk or Treat! So sick! I LOVE THE PICS! You and dad are so cute... Aly and Ash are WAY too gorgeous for their own goods... and OH BRANDON HAHAHA. I cant even handle him.  So good to see Dave, Osten, and the Lytles faces!
Man Aly and Ash are so gorgous in those pictures with the Young Women... and wow those Daland girls got so big... have I really only been gone 11 weeks? I love seeing pics of all the young women! They are all so beautiful! I hope they are all doing well. 

Then she wrote to you all:


This week was great! 
One super neat experience - Saturday evening me and my comp went to an investigators house to get to know them (they live in our area, but the elders from a different area are teaching them along with me and my comp). Laura and Marcelo. Super amazing. They are super prepared and want to be baptized the 11 of NOVEMBER! We were talking with them and felt prompted to share a scripture - Isaiah 41:10 and 13. As we read the scripture, Laura began to cry. We asked what was wrong. She said that she had prayer 30 minutes before, and this scripture was the exact ansewr that she needed! We were all super surprised, but so happy that we were able to be instruments in the Lords hands for her! I have no doubt they will be baptized in the coming week.... oh my goodness I am so excited! This church is true! God lives, and He blesses us each day. 

The mission is hard, but I am learning so much about myself and about God each and every day.

Funny story - there was a baptism in the other ward this week, so we went to support them. When we arrived, half the church was flooded because someone forgot to turn off the font!!!! So we spend like 30 minutes trying to clean up all of the water... yikes!!! But the baptism went well (although we had to start like 40 minutes late!) Goodness gracias.

Lots of love
Hermana Holt

Monday, October 23, 2017


Sorry I've got about 7 minutes to write.. so I'll try to type FAST!

This week was a lot better than the last week. Lots of tender mercies from the Lord. Still had lots of hard moments, but I am learning better how to cope with them. The only things that help in those really rough moments are reading my scriptures and singing hymns out loud with my companion. it really has an amazing uplifting effect that I never realized!

One miracle - 2 of our investiagors came to church!!! We walked with one of them from her house to the church ( a sweet 13 year old girl we found a few days ago whose mom was a member). We were sitting in sacrament meeting with her when during the meeting the door opens, and one of our other investiagors ( a woman named Marisol) walks in! We didn't think she would go, because during our lesson earlier that week she didn't want to go. But we taught her and promised her the blessings she would receive from going. So when we walked in to the chapel, me and my comp just looked at each other in amazement, and after the meeting ended, we ran over to her and talked with her. It was a huge miracle and blessing, Her son is a member, and the only one in his family, and is leaving for his mission soon. SO I think that fact has softened her heart, and now she wants us to continue teaching her! Its a miracle! I am so happy. The only times I feel true joy and happiness is when I am teaching poeple. That’s why I am here after all!

Also on Wednesday I had divisiones with my hermana capacitadora hermana souza from brazil. We saw so many miracles. We found 2 new investiagors that day, were able to give a huge act of service to someone that was greatly needed, and a few other awesome things. I know the Lord is watching over us and guiding us each day!!

The people here are tough - they don't want to change or listen. But I know that I have power and authority from God to teach this gospel. And when we teach and testify, I can feel the spirit so strongly and I can see the people change. Some of them refuse to listen or act upon our invitations, but I have learned that its ok. As long as i keep teaching, testifying, and giving it my best, i will be doing all I need to do. Even some days all I can do is plant seeds in the hearts of the poeple, its ok. I have realized that not everyone will jump at the opportunity to hear a lesson or take the missionary discussions. But its all good. I feel so much joy in the work I am doing here. 
Yes, I miss home alot, and the fam, and my friends, and just being able to sleep in or do nothing! But its only a year and a half. This is the Lord's time. A lot of people are astounded when we tell them we left our homes and families to serve missions. they ask But dont you miss home? Well of course we do!! So much! But this is so worth it. It's the work of the Lord, and I have been called to bring His gospel forth to the people of Argentina. What greater blessing,  and what greater way to spend my time! This time will go by real quick, so I'm trying to make the most of it. The greatest advice I have been given is that it is a Joyful journey, not a grind. The Lord wants obedient missionaries who work diligently each day, but he wants happy missionaries who can relax and realize that they are blessed! 

I love you all so very much.
Mucho amor, 
Hermana Holt 

PS from Debby- we got the cutest video of her talking with her companion, got to see a bit of her apartment and hear her laugh and smile. Made my week!!!  Love you all, thank you for all your kind words, and your encouragement to Amy -and to me!  

Argentina Comodoro Rivadavia Mission



Monday, October 16, 2017


Hope all is well back in the States!
This week was a bit harder than the last... my and my comp were sick for two days in our apartment... but today I am better luckily so we are able to get back to work!

Everyone told me the mission is hard... but man I didn’t realize how hard it would be until I got here! Each day is a struggle... but its a glorious struggle,  because behind each struggle and test is a lesson that is learned, a little more patience gained, and a better listener and companion I become. I realize how far from perfect I am, and that I have to rely on the Lord to help me with everything!

This week we had only 1 GOLDEN lesson... but hey better 1 than none. With Ismael, the same investigator as last week. He is SO prepared and ready to learn. He told us that he has been searching for the truth in many churches his whole life... and only here with us does he feel good and like it could be true! I was able to testify in my broken gringo Spanish that this is the true church restored to the earth. During the lesson, the Spirit brought a scripture to my remembrance to use. I didn’t know where it was, but I opened my Libro de Mormon and THERE IT WAS.. RIGHT THERE on that very page! So then I read it during the lesson, and it helped bring the Spirit and put the lesson on the right track. We set a baptismal date with Ismael.... SO EXCITED !! I love to teach him. It’s nice to teach people who are ready and willing to listen. I know the Lord prepares people for us to help and guide to the church!

I am doing alright. It’s hard, but I love it. I do miss speaking English and being Amy sometimes. I feel like a different person here, for good and bad. I love having little spiritual experiences, little happy moments that show me the Lord is there. I am glad so many people can relate to what I’m feeling. Thank you for everyone who writes me and such... your advice and words bring me comfort!

Funny thing - I woke up Thursday to SNOW! ITS SNOWING:: IN THE SUMMER?!
So crazy!

Shoutout to Cotto for getting her call to SPAIN!!! SO PUMPED FOR HER!

I love my family! The Church is true! God lives! 
Sorry not much more to tell... unless you wanna hear all about me getting sick and trying not to throw up for 2 days! Lol I'll spare y’all the details. 

Also we are still without hot water... i await the day with great umm.. patience... to be able to take a hot shower! 

Also when people ask me and my comp where we are from.. they only ask my comp. When i say Im from the States.. they go Oh yeah we could tell, that’s why we didn’t ask. Its obvious.    HAHA this made me slightly mad but I laughed all the same. lol its pretty funny

Love you all lots. 
hermana holt 

Argentina Comodoro Rivadavia Mission 

PS from Debby;  Amy said to me “apparently I'm impatient and can be hard to live with.. LOl who knew” I died laughing. Bless her heart, she is finally hearing that from someone other than me and her sisters hahahaha.  Poor thing.  :) Thank you all for your letters and support. They mean so much to her, as so many of you can remember and identify with her feelings in a way that helps her.  Thank you!!

Monday, October 9, 2017


Well, this week was tough. First full week in my first area, in a whitewash, in a tough area. But Its allllll good. The Lord has been blessing me in little ways! 

Biggest highlight of the week - my first lesson! With a man named Ismael. He is SO prepared for the Gospel, its amazing. He met the missionaries because a missionary opened a door for him. Just a small act of service, so simple, but it made him interested in the missionaries and what they were teaching. SO now here we are, teaching him. We taught a fabulous lesson, guided by the Spirit, who brought so many scriptures and things to our rememberance in the moments that we needed. I also was able to recite the First Vision and James 1:5 from memory during the lesson, and add bits of testimony and such! And the gift of tongues is so real, because during the lesson I could understand a lot of what was happening!
Also we went in to a kiosco to buy a bottle of water and ended up having a fantastic lesson with the lady who worked there. We found out she was struggling with her kids, and I was able to give her a Plan of Salvation pamphlet, we talked to her, bore testimony, and she cried out of happiness and gratitude. It was so amazing ot be able to share the gospel in such a small simple way and touch someones life! We are going to pass by her store again this week, ad maybe she will become an investigator. It's amazing how some people are so ready the here the gospel and have been so prepared, and how others are not ready at all. But we are always trying to plant seeds.

The langauge is hard to get used to speaking all the time and understanding. I can't communicate myself super well yet, but I am trying. I am studying alot and askig ALOT of questions! I'm sure my poor companion is sick of all the questions... but she is so patient with me.

This Sunday was my first sunday in my rama (branch)! The branch president (without warning) had me and my comp get up and introduce ourselves and bear our testimonies during sacrament! It was so fun and everyone said my castellano was great for only have a few weeks in the mission. How I love to bear my testimony of the things i know to be true, especially in Spanish! The language is so beautoiful and its so fun to learn new things, new words and phrases to say. 
There are about 100 ppl in my rama, a nice chapel, and the people are freindly. I'm still so not used to having to kiss everyone! It's super funny. 
But apparently there are lots of problems and the rama is pretty weak, so our goal as a district (the 6 missionaries in the area) is to help strengthen and build up the church and the members here a lot. We are meeting with the branch president this Saturday and arranging a training for all of the members that we will be teaching on how to share the gospel, how to give references to the missionaries, how to hold a family home evening, and things like that. It should be awesome! But there is unfortunately alot of pride and discrimination within the ward.. and for that reason there are acutally 100s of inactive members in our area! 100s! So we are going to do our best to strengthen the ward and show our love for the Lord! It will be a process, but I know it can be done.

Also our hot water in our apartment doesn't work.. so we have been showering out of a bucket this week which has been super duper fun. Also, its snowed a bit! and its rains often, on and off. Crazy! 

I say so many prayers each day for help and guidance. I can feel all of your prayers working for me as well, because I have witnessed lots of tender mercies during my days. Like running into an investigator that we had not been able to get ahold of for a few days while we were at the bank and being able to set an apppointment with him for this week... and lots of little things. I know the Lord loves me and is watching out for me. I also know he loves me because of all the trials and tests he is throwing my way. I hate these tests, but I am so grateful for them at the same time because they remind me to rely on the Lord ad not my own understanding, because my own understanding is so weak and insufficient in comparison to His. I am so grateful for the gospel. Guys, the Church is true. The Lord lives. And God loves his children. 
Every time I get sad or discouraged I look outside at the gorgeous mountains covered in snow, towering up in the air.  Nature has always remided me of God and His love for us. Take a minute to step outside and look around you at the beautiful nature that surrounds you.

You guys, we are so blessed in the States. People here live in a decently nice area... not too poor but not too rich. But the houses are about the size of ONE of the rooms in my house back in Cali, and made of wood and chapa. Its insane. And they fit families of 4 or 5 in there, and don't even think they are poor! We are truly so blessed to have things like hot water constantly, a washer and dryer (which i miss having alot), tons of food options in stores, everything LITERALLY at our finger tips. Don't take that for granted!!!! We are so blessed.

I am doing well. Learning lots of lessons and patience, and having joy in teaching the people. I hope I can be the missionary you all think that I am! 
I love you all -stay safe and happy

Hermana Holt

Monday, October 2, 2017

Hello my dear family and friends!

(Mom you are going to have to correct my gramar before sending this out haha) I did!! haha

Wow I feel like its been an eternity! In the last 10 days since I wrote last I have been in several cities, 3 planes, 2 hotels, countless taxis and buses..... I feel like I have traveled the world!
I'll try to give the quickest rundown in the world of what this last week has been like - I left the CCM in Buenos Aires Tuesday, flew to Comodoro Rivadavia (my misiĂłn in the south) and was greeted by the misison president and a bunch of amazing missionaries. We stayed in a hotel (me and the 4 other newbies) and did training for the next 3 days and getting to know the misison and such. We had problems with our tramites (paperwork stuff) so none of us could leave for our ĂĄreas until like Friday, but its all good.
My trainer - shes such a capa (boss in spanish!) Hermana Borba from Uruguay... speaks NO English at all.. but we have been able to communicate shockingly well! The gift of tongues is so real.... We are getting along so well and she has so much patience with me!
We got the special priviledge to fly from Comodoro Rivadavia to my first ĂĄrea Ushuaia! (My misiĂłn is the 2nd largest in the world, so this is rare to fly for transfers). But there are no flights to Ushuaia so we had to fly to Buenos aires, stay the night, then Saturday morning fly to Ushuaia. It was craziness and I honestly don't even rememebr what happened because it was so crazy.
But we arrived in Ushuaia, the city at the end of the world, Saturday evening just in time to run to a capilla (chapel) and watch the evening conference sesiĂłn. 
After, we went to our apartamiento! Its this Little run down apartment on the corner of some run down street... but I LOVE IT! Its tiny, but its nice to finally have my own space, food, and stuff! It's just me and my comp there. It was so nice to be able to cook for ourselves this weekend!
Sunday was so great - we watched conference (in English yay!) and we even had an investigator come to watch the evening sesiĂłn with us which was a miracle (especially beacuse we are in a whitewash and only arrived on saturday). Today was P Day so we did this 4 hour long hike along the coast in this forest. Look at a map of Argentina, look at the bottom part… I'm on a island thats actually technically not even part of the American continent!!! The hike was gorgeous but man am i pooped... we went with our whole zone of 18 missionaries and a super awesome member. 

It's weird being a minority... I realize how little i know about Spanish, the culture here... everything! It has been humbling. But everyone has so much paciencia with me and has been so kind to me. The hardest part for me is not knowing what is going on all the time because I can't understand the language all the way! I learned Spanish... Castellano is a different story! haha! But I love it. i love the people, the ĂĄrea, my comp, and my misiĂłn. It is so wonderful.

I'm sure I will have more stories about our investigators for you all next week... we are starting from scratch right now because we are in a white wash. (I asked Amy what that meant. She said "White wash means they took out the missionaries in my ĂĄrea and put me and my comp in. So neither one of us knows the people, investigators, or the ĂĄrea. Usually they keep one person there and give them a new comp, because then at least one of them knows the area)

But - I am happy, healthy (well...i may have put on a few pounds from how much they make us eat here,, but healthy still lol), safe, and doing well. I love what I am doing. It's super hard and I am frustrated often and lack paciencia, but I am learning to rely on the Lord and trust in Him. I really have to learn to chill and let others be in charge and lead me around sometimes which is hard, but a lesson I know I need to learn!

It's freezing here, and its spring... weird! The mountains are aboslutely breaktaking, with all the snow on them. 

Well... Ill talk to you all next week! I love you all and hope everyone is well. I pray for my sweet town of Thousand Oaks often!

Pray for me and my Spanish and that I can find people to teach! ALl I want to do is teach! Thats why I am here after all.. to bring the light of the gĂłspel to The Uttermost Parts of the Earth (as the scriptures say), and thats what I am going to do!

Hermana Holt

Here are some great pictures of Amy  at the Mission Home in Comodoro- she met her companion/trainer and got her assignment- Ushuaia- the southernmost area!! I believe she will have a 24-30 hour bus ride to this area, including a ferry.  It is known as Tierra del Fuego- near Antarctica!