Friday, August 24, 2018

August 6, 2018

August 6, 2018- 50 weeks down, 27 left
hi mom!!
how are you?

My week was really good! Really busy with lots of trips and preparations, but I had a great time and learned a lot and saw lots of blessings. 

I cant believe that it is August as well... the truth is that the fact that it has been a year, that I’m turning 20, this is the week Mckayl got married, Aly is going to college, Alan and Coop will be home AHORA... has put me pretttttty dang sad this week. I’m trying to not let it all get to me. But its really a lot harder and sadder than I thought it would be. ugh. It’s been a little struggle.

Aw I’m so excited for Elly. it will be super hard for sure, for everyone... but it will be so wonderful at the same time. They say that Vina del Mar is absolutely gorgeous. She will be an absolutely amazing missionary. Please send my love and hugs to Romy and Bishop. I love them all a lot!
I’m so happy for Tarbet and Stouts families. PLEASE GO . PLEASE GIVE COOP AND ALAN A HUGE HUGE HUG FOR ME MOM. And send me pics and videos. I love those two guys so much and cant wait for the day where I can see them again. 

Glad buddy had a fun time. Eww. gross little bugger haha. But glad he enjoyed himself at least. Smother hahaha

Ashlyn enjoyed girls camp? love the pics, looks like a blast

Aw Aly. I love her and am so incredibly happy for her! its going to be a wonderful adventure and she is already so capable and smart, it will be a breeze for her. What craziness about the apartment....but I hope you can get it all figured out!

YAY THE TRUCK! I cant wait to see it. Hope it works great. Dad told me all about the process... he feels super happy that it started on the first try aw hahah. Super awesome!!!

Aw. I’m sure the box will get here super soon, don’t worry! We have conference the 14, so it should be that day, or consejo, the first week of September. so it will be here in a flash! Thank you guys for preparing a box for me. Love you a lot! Poor Presidente is super busy, so if he forget to send you an email don’t worry

Way to go!!!!!Man its like you can only eat paper hahaha. But i hope you can get in shape and feel good! I feel good about my weight, because iI know that when I get home I’ll be able to take it off pretty quick. Its just so hard here in the mission. But i don’t feel bad.

awww gonna have a pretty empty house! thinking about downsizing???

i love you too mom. don’t be sad! I love you! Im ok! I’m happy! Working and trying to change and learn and be a better person.


i put photos!!!!

Write me!

sorry i also forget to say what happened to me this week hahaha

The first part of the week we were in Puerto Madryn on divisiones with the hermanas there, who need some help.. it was good but man was i tired after divisions and the meetings with the zone leaders there and all the traveling!!!!
Thursday and Friday we were able to work. Friday i think it was, had a miracle. the ward had given us a reference of a menos activa less active, so we went to visit. we knocked the gate, and she didn’t come out, but her 21 year old son did. He’s not baptized and began to ask us a ton of questions and said that the time his mom got baptized he didn’t want to learn or hear anything, but now he does and he wants us to teach him! We said a prayer together right there outside of his house, and we were so happy. Facundo. I hope we can see more miracles with him!!!!!! The lord knows that my and my comp have barely any time to work in our area, cause we have so many travels and meetings and have to help the hermanas... but he is blessing us SO MUCH.
THIS SATURDAY I HAVE A BAPTISM. NICOLAS!!!!!! at 730 pm. We are pumpedddddddd
and the best part
the next week.... GUILLERMINA WILL BE BAPTIZED at 730pm too!!!!!! She is the best investigator i have ever had. Does all the reading, prays, puts goals, came to church all three hours the last two Sundays, comes to the chapel for lessons and cries of happiness. She is an absolute miracle and calls us her two angels. I’m so incredibly happy with her and her decision and her progress. Absolute miracle.
So despite the fact that between this last week and the week upcoming we will have a grand total of 3 or 4 days in the area working... we will have two baptisms. I’m so thankful and can see what a grand blessing this is for my diligence and strict obedience!!!!!!!
Saturday morning we contacted and contacted and contacted, and NO ONE wanted to listen. most of them didn’t even answer the door. Made us sad. We got to the end of Rawson. Literally. And there is just desert and desert. we stood there and looked out over the vast empty desert and thought wow. We were sent here to the end of the world to fulfill the scriptures and preach the gospel to every person. Made me feel pretty special, despite all the lack of success that morning.
So many miracles mom. So many heartaches and trials and lessons learned, people met, experiences, sadnesses, happiness, everything.  I can’t even explain it. But the hour i get each day to read the Book of Mormon flies by and i want to just keep reading. Sometimes i read Liahonas and the truth is that I don’t even know if I’m reading in English or Spanish. Its all the same to me now. I speak without thinking, dream in Spanish, joke, everything. I don’t breathe a word of English until Monday with you.
Its crazy

I love you all more than I can ever say. I will miss you all this week, especially Sunday. But it will be ok. my elders are arranging a cool lunch i think, and my comp is desperate to find a gluten free cake hahahaha

i love you mom