Monday, January 15, 2018

January 15, 2018 -22 weeks down (5 month mark tomorrow)

THIS WEEK WAS AMAZING BECAUSE... we had our first baptism!!!!

On Friday morning me and my comp went to the wedding of our investigator Marcelo, and his soon to be wife Laura (who was a less active member, but now has completely returned to the church). It was in this old house by the coast, and it was so amazing. Super different from any wedding I’ve seen, but man was it so special. 

Saturday we spent the entire day in the chapel practically, cleaning decorating and getting everything ready for 5pm..... the font only worked with ice cold water though so that was interesting.. we called it the last trial of faith haha. Poor guy was literally freezing his tush off..

When the baptism started I was so stressed out and nervous lol. Who would have thought. Me, Amy Holt, stressed out and impatient over something? LOL. I think I practically killed my comp with my nerves hah. I just wanted to be sure everything would go perfectly and that Marcelo could have a super spiritual experience.

The first talk was given, and then Marcelo was baptized. When he came out of the water, he just put his face in his hands for a few moments, and just stood there. We quickly realized he was having a super spiritual moment (as he told us later). He told us that words couldn’t describe what he felt after. wowza how grateful I was that he was able to have a super spiritual moment. 

Then I played a song for everyone on the piano called He Knows Me Better (and everyone was super impressed and it actually went real well.. but now the branch presidente wants me to play all the time during the sacrament meeting...oh no! haha), another talk, and then Marcelo went up to give his testimony. Now, Marcelo is a shy guy. He doesn’t open up a whole lot. But man, that testimony was the most sincere, simple. beautiful testimony I have heard. He told a bit of his experiences, and then at the end said ... 
I believe, no.. I know that the Church is true. 
Man, when he said those words, all of my doubts and stress melted away. I could feel that he wasn’t just another baptism that would go inactive, but that he was a true convert. and that he was going to stay.
The presidente of the branch said that he was ready to recieve the priesthood, so he received it Sunday. And also had the confirmation. 
It was such an amazing day. 

Also this week I had an idea for an activity to do with the branch, so Thursday night we held a family home evening activity in the chapel. We taught about goals and how to make them and why they are important. we did some fun interactive activities, had music, and food. Only about 25 people came, and we practically had to drag them there, but they came. and they really enjoyed it. I think the branch presidente (who is hard to please) was actually super happy with us!. We are going to try to keep doing more activities to build up the branch, because its so small and weak and no one understands that its not normal to never have ward activities. The chapel is only used on Sundays practically. Its sad. But we are changing that!

My comp is good... we are still having our small struggles and battles but when it comes to the work, we are good. We have transfers in a week and a half... and its for sure that one of us will leave. I hope its me, but I really hope its not me at the same time. I have so many friends and connections and memories here, I never wanna go!!!

I love you all and hope all is well at home. I know the Church is true, and that God loves us so much. Look for the tender mercies and miracles in your day, because they are there. God is a god of miracles. If you don’t believe me, go and read Mormon 9. 

I love you all so much

side note--- 5 months in the mission now! wowza

Mucho amor, 

Hermana Holt