Friday, February 22, 2019

January 29, 2019

January 29, 2019- 75 weeks down, 2 to go
Hey guys...Buenas tardes!!
Whats up?

Sorry I’m writing you all in the same brain just doesn’t have the energy to write a ton of emails this week haha...its been a long 8 days since I’ve talked to you and theres a lot thats gone down
Nothing bad with me, but man the mission is in flames this week, not in a good way.

So Tuesday we went super early to Caleta for divisiones with the hermanas there, that went well. But I was pooped because now my body is super tired all the time haha, but it went well. Super hot outside, walked a ton, but we found one super awesome lady thats family is member but she’s not!
Wednesday we went back to Comodoro and had meeting and lunch and then we were so tired we asked permission to take a nap from presidente. he said yes, so we set the alarm for an hour and slept in the afternoon. We were so tired, that we never heard the alarm and slept until almost 8 pm in the evening.....YIKES hahaha its funny now but in the moment it was like WHAT HAVE WE DONE. hahahha oh well. 
Thursday was the only normalish day of this week. A normal work day YAYAYA few and far between (is that how the phrase goes?) studies, lunch, and we went to find a bunch of menos activo families and some futuro investigadores. We taught Belen and her family, but only the father is progressing (well, was progressing...wait til i tell you about Sunday)
Thursday night I went to Centro to start MORE divisions with the hnas there.(hnas that don’t really like me too much). Friday we had the divisions but i woke up with a real sore throat, and felt super off all morning. after lunch i was dying and we finished the divisions early and I went back to my house with my comp and slept. (but even until today i still have a super super sore throat and cough). 
oh Saturday
We thought we would have a normal day. started off good, planned, started to study, then we get a message on my phone from presidente
pres: hermana holt
me: yes...
Pres: do you have lunch
me: .........
me: a take out lunch, why
pres: I’m going to call you rn
So he calls and we are already stressin
Turns out that there are some emergency transfers and people going home , and one hermana that was in the North arrived to Comodoro that morning for emergency interviews and had to stay with us. We had to watch her, she can’t use the phone, no one could know why she was there, we had to bring and take her fom interviews and meetings all weekend....we knew why she was there and I don’t dare say why. It’s horrible. And she’s a sweet little new missionary with only 7 months that I know well. So we passed Saturday with her and interviews, Sunday we had to take her to another ward so that she would see the other missionary that had arrived that was involved and going home, Sunday picked her up and helped her pack, then interviews from 8pm to 12 30am at night with all the leaders of the mission. With us there waiting and organizing. 
Monday another interview and this morning at 730am she had her flight home.
It was insane and hard. We had to help out with all of this because we are the hermanas capacitadoras de Comodoro. I’ve never had to deal with something like this before, and hope to not have to do it again, but its possible this week that more will go.... we haven’t taught an investigator since Friday. It’s been rough, but I’m surprisingly calm and not stressed.
When you are in the pension a lot, it’s hard to keep focused in the mission and not on home...but my mind kept wandering back to the fact that i have like 13 days more as a missionary here... I can’t believe it. at all.

Other than that and still being a little sick,. I’m good. Yesterday was a mini pday and today too for us, because we have been up so late and up so early dealing with all this, we get 2 mini pdays yeay!!!!!

haha but yeah. All is well. this week we should be able to work a bit i hope.
We have a cita with Manuel tomorrow. its been 2 weeks since we stopped teaching him, and he still comes to church, so we want to see where he’s at spiritually and with baptism.
Sunday oh yeah.. we went to Belen’s house to walk with the family to church like we had arranged all week long. We get there all the way up the hill, pass the dog that almost killed me, and get in front of the door and can hear their voices. I yell BUEN DIA and clap, and they all shush each other and no one moves.... what the heck... so we knocked louder and everything and...nothing. We can literally hear them inside and we call and hear their phone, but they don’t come out. we waited, and nothing. Super horrible. So we left, with metal poles in hand to get the dog off, and walk the 30 minutes to church. Super sad. i think they are done. sooo nowww... we’ve got no one.

But that was my week...
Thank you for all your sweet emails, i read them all. I’m glad you are all safe and sound and happy and everything. You are my light and i love and miss each one of you so very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
