Friday, February 22, 2019

February 4, 2019

February 4, 2019- 76 weeks down, 1 to go

Hellllo my family!
ITS FEBRUARY 4TH! OF 2019! That means.....
But whose counting anyways?
Chiste.... I cant believe it.

This last week was a week of MIRACLES. I am so grateful and have never been so happy. 
Wednesday, after that last week of crap and hardly being able to work, we went and visited a contact we had made 2 weeks back, a menos activa. We clapped, and her husband came running out. He was waiting for us!! He let us in (which never happens) and they both sat down at the table, gave us food and drinks, and we were able to get to know them and start to share our message!! It was a miracle... Seriously... i have worked so hard in this area, and almost nothing. But this, was a miracle. Vanessa and Ariel. Vanessa is a MA almost her whole life, is from Rosario, but remembers a lot about the missionaries. Ariel is in the air force, is militar, and a BOSSSSS. He loves to talk and loves to listen about what we are sharing…he's never been to the church nor heard missionaries. So after that first lesson, they invited us back Friday for a DINNER and lesson. WHAT. We don’t ever have dinner with members!!!!! 
SO we went, and it was great. Now it seems that Ariel is more interested than Vanessa (she’s afraid to go back to church, doesn’t want to) but we read together the intro of the BOM, and they had read Moroni 10 together the night before!! and liked it! Ariel committed to come to church this Sunday..
HE CAME!!!!! Sunday morning we were walking towards his church and we called him and he said he was coming. And sure enough he arrived early, in his car, all dressed up, with his book of mormon in hand! I think me and my comp almost died from happiness. DO you know how hard it is to get new investigatores to want to come to church????
HE LOVED IT: Super focused during the testimony meeting, and during Sunday School he was in love with it all, said it was so distinct fro the catholic church and that it made sense.He took pics of the notes of the plan of salvation too and we marked him some scriptures. We have a lesson Wednesday with a family from the ward. MIRACLES MIRACLES MIRACLES.

Also... we have been practicing receiving revelation with my comp. Last week, we prayed a lot and felt like we would find someone that had passed through afflictions recently and would see us as a sign. We also felt like the word {water} had something to do with them.
So we searched for a week (until this last Thursday) but never found anyone. This Thursday.... we were contacting in a new place where i hadn’t gone before. We had just about finished and were walking back to the bus stop to head to Centro for a visita to the hermanas there... when a woman walks by to her car, outside her house, carrying a tank of water. So we stopped, and started to talk to her. we shared a little, and asked how long she has lived here. she said, 4 days. This Monday i separated from my husband and i just moved here Monday with my two kids... and she started to cry!!! We were shocked, so we both hugged her (which is kinda weird in Argentina but oh well) and we testified to her. My comp had passed through something similar with her fam and so she shared with her, Christina. Christina said she has never heard of missionaries before, but “”sometimes god sends us signs to us to help us”. I almost died.... SHE’S THE PERSON FROM OUR REVELATION! WE FOUND HER! She fit the revelation exactly ....water, signal, and recent affliction. It was ANOTHER MIRACLE: we have a lesson with her tomorrow for the first time, pray for us!!!!

I’m so happy to FINALLLLY after 6 long months here, start to find all the chosen people. The people that God needs us to find. even though I won’t finish my mission with a baptism, it’s ok, because I found the people that God needed me to find before i finished my time as a missionary. I’m so happy. So happy. 
But i still got 4 days of work to do... beforeIi pack and head to Rawson to say goodbye to my converts and fav members there. I’ll go Saturday afternoon, its only 5 hours by bus., and give my last testimony Sunday and have lunch with Guillermina (i called her last night ahhhhhhh she recognized me before i even said my name) and then head back to Comodoro to finish packing, Monday my final interview and p-day and dinner and GOODBYE!
Thats it!
Thats my week!
Can you believe it?
Last night I got real sad and cried a lot to my comp, she helped me out and made me feel better. Then i started calling Guillermina to tell her I’d be in Rawson, and then i called Hermana Barbara (we baptized her son Maxi in playa union).. she answers... and when I say who I am she just starts shouting a bunch out of happiness..... SHE’S IN UTAH! She moved and was sealed to her husband 3 weeks ago!!!! in Vernal!!!!!! She passed me her new info and we have plans to get together in the beginning of March when i go up there! I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!!!! I’m going to see my converses in UTAHHHHH and they LIVE THEREEEEEEEEEEEE ! That made me so happy so I wasn’t even sad anymore afterwards. 
We had our last divisions with the hnas on Friday , the hnas from las heras. super fun, we worked and studied and cooked for lunch and really enjoyed the divisions. 
Thursday morning we had a  call from Presidente for all the mission, by Skype…never done anything like that before. It was about all the stuff that had been going on of disobedience and the missionaries that went home. He almost cried. It was a great call, we learned a lot and everyone got super motivated to do their best and be obedient and it was fantastic. 
But yeah... a lot more happened this week but that was the best of it

i love you guys my sweet family... you guys are amazing

Thank you for all of your support that you have given me in these last 18 months. Its been a rollercoaster of an adventure, and I’m sure will continue to be like that for a while, as I leave my favorite place on earth, and come home. It will be very hard, it already is, but it will be so neat, so amazing to see you all again and be part of the Real Life again!

I love you. Mom and dad, see you in 7 days. Kiddos, see you in 9. I love you!!!

Hermana Amy Holt