Monday, January 21, 2019

January 21, 2019

January 21 2019- 74 weeks down, 3 to go

Hi Mom! How are you all doing?
Wow the days are so long and full, but the weeks fly! It’s already Monday again? 
Well this week was pretty uninteresting until the weekend. We had to prepare everything for the Conferencia with Presidente (buying the food, getting the money, organizing, cooking, running the FHE activity, the conference itself..) all of it! But the Conferencia was amazing. My last zone you know what that means... Ultimo Testimonio! (Last Testimony)! At the end of the conference, those that go home that transfer stand up and have to give their last testimony in front of everyone. 3 of my friends gave theirs, then I went last. It was sad and I teared up, but I was able to talk a lot and bear testimony about a lot of things that had impacted my during my mission. It was a special moment. Super trippy, I never thought my time would arrive. Had to say goodbye to a few more friends, which was real hard as always. But onward and upward! Part of life. But I really enjoyed the spirit of revelation that we felt during the Conference. Presidente is amazing. And we got to do a real fun activity that we had done in my very first conference in the mission, so it was real special. Im so grateful.,
Thursday we go to work, but we aren’t having a lot of success at all. The area is worrying me. We had to leave Manuel this week. We invited him to be baptized and he said no. So we explained we couldn’t keep teaching him. It was real hard... but the miracle was that...on Sunday... HE CAME TO CHURCH ALL THE SAME! We hadn't communicated with him since Tuesday, cause we were going to give him a few weeks before we tried again, but he showed up at the church! I was a little surprised but happy...there is potential still for him!
Friday we had interviews with Presidente, so that took up a lot of the day. I love talking with him. He just asked me what I needed to be able to finish these last 3 weeks. We chatted and he helped me a lot! I love him!
Saturday and Sunday.... as a district, we had some absolutely amazing spiritual experiences that I have never had before in my mission. A little too special to tell about over email. It was an amazing experience, and we were spiritually drained after. Long story short, we started the process and had a family home evening with him and his family and 7 missionaries last night, that went super well. 

I feel good, have a lot more energy this week cause Presidente recommended me a type of vitamin pill drink to help me push through these last 3 tiring weeks. It’s helping!
I'm happy and tranquilo, not thinking about home, and just trying to do what i can and be happy and enjoy these last few days as a missionary.

I love the Obra Misional. Im so grateful to be a missionary here in the Patagonia in Argentina in this moment of my life . I have learned so much, grown so much, been able to talk and learn from so many people, and been able to witness the Hand of the Lord in my life so many times i cant even count. I Love this work. I love to be a missionary, and i don’t want to leave. It will be one of the hardest things i will have to do to step on that plane  and leave this mission. Almost as hard as it was to step on the plan to leave my home in California. But I am also excited for the adventures that await me. For now, Im taking it day by day, doing what i can to lead more people unto Christ while i can

i love you all so much!