Monday, January 21, 2019

January 14, 2019

January 14, 2019- 73 weeks down, 4 to go
Hi mom! Buen dia!
How are you?
Love all the pictures and emails that I received today! You guys are the best.
I loved hearing all about your YW lesson, the temple trip, Brandons sweet experience, everything! You are seriously amazing and super funny too!

This week was so so long but at the same time it just flew by for me. Crazy how the time is passing.
This week was a little more frustrating, but right now i feel alright, still happy and just accepting what i can and cannot do!
We had divisions this Tuesdsay, i went with a brand new missionary Hermana Bogado. She’s a doll and it was fun to be able to talk with her and teach with her. She's amazing and can already teach like a stud. It was sweet to see how she would ask me questions and i could tell her all about experiences from my mission...i feel so old haha! When i have to say Back in 2017 when i was in Ushuaia.,.. hahaha super trippy.
Wednesday was crazy with meetings and informes and studies and the weekly meeting with our missionary leader and the dinner for the Leaders in the evening before Consejo...we didn’t even have a second to breathe.
Thursday...CONSEJO! Super amazing, my last one. It was sad, but I really enjoyed it, the revelation and ideas that came, and the Spirit that was felt. It was hard to begin saying some goodbyes (elder macdonald, hermana williams..) but its part of the mission that i am going to have to get used to in these next few weeks...
Friday we had a quick zone meeting to give out all the info that we received in Consejo. Then we (with the zone leaders and my comp) spent almost the rest of the day planning our Conferncia de Zone and Entrevistas con Presidente that is tomorrow and Wednesday....yikes! Planning the meals, getting the money, making the budget, planning out everything...took the whole day and we still didn’t finish! Luckily, my comp is a champ and the ZL are flippin hilarious and i just love em all! Learning a lot!
Saturday we finally got to work a bit more. BUT we realized...that we have almost no one in our area to teach. Julio, we are going slow because he’s still not married and theres not much we can do about that, Valeria and Martin are being a little difficult and aren't coming to church and so that means Belen doesn't come, and Manuel we are still teaching but he is being difficult and wants to learn and attend but not be baptized. So in the area, we are almost starting from 0. So we used our area book and contacted and everything, but no one. no one wants to listen. or even answer their freaking door cause its vacation time and everyone leaves Comodoro. UGH! I got pretty frustrated, because after 5 months in this pinchi area it looks like I haven’t even done anything, even though i have worked my butt off. Still makes me a little sad, but theres nothing else to do but just keep pushing through and increase my faith and my actions! We did have a little tender mercy. We had our first lunch with a member, a RM, and we went and he had to leave but his mom was their and so she served us the food and we chatted. She’s not a member, and hasn’t ever really received missionaries, but we chatted and won her confidence a bit, then at the end we had a quick moment to share something form the book of mormon during our conversation, and we got her to talk a little bit about church related things...she enjoyed the conversation and even accepted a pamphlet of the plan of salvation! we got her number and will go slow, but maybe we can see a miracle there... even if she doesn’t live in our are haha ! Rosa is her name,
SUNDAY...super neat experience
We are walking to the chapel and enter just on time, and the assistentes grab me and are like Hey Hermana theres an Area 70 here and him and Presidente need you do to something. I’m like oh crap what. Can you give a talk today when he calls you up about the Missionary Work and Purpose? I’m like ahhh yeah! Then Presidente sees me and comes over and says yeah its like 5 or 10 minutes no mas and no pressure.....
so we sit down and church starts (Manuel came!) and my brain is going like a mile a minute and I’m trying to write down some coherent notes or something so that i don’t sound like a flippin tard up there in front of my mission presidente and his wife, an area 70, 15 missionaries, the ward, my investigator.....ahhhhh no pressure right? but i stayed calm and a few minutes later, they called me up to talk
So i went up and started talking, had written down two scriptures and a few words no mas and the ideas and words just came. i had to slow down my speech, but when i did, and focused and just went by the spirit, the words came out and came out good! After i finished, President Fernandez (70) went up and gave his part, quoting me and making mention of the things that i said and saying that what i said in my talk was exactly perfect! I felt super proud (not in a bad way) and super super happy. and after everything ended, presidente came to me and said that i did a fantastic job and was exactly what they needed. YES !!!!!!! I talked with the Presidente fernandez after and he said he has a daughter serving in Utah (super unusual for someone here to have a kid on a mission) and he said i made him think of her a lot and it was so sweet. He said OH I hear you are going home real soon, good luck in your return and know that you have done an amazing job.....
YEET! I was on cloud nine
I asked presidente salerno by message later that night, Hey Why did you choose me, or whose idea was it that i should give a talk 5 minutes before sacrament started)
he said
Presidente Fernandez asked me if there was a super missionary that could give a good definition about the Missionary Work and purpose to set me up for my talk that i will give. I thought of you Hermana Holt and thats why.

Sunday we had a tsunami (we walked an hour with our district to the area of the ZL and contacted a bunch of people together). BLAZING hot sun. Almost died. an hour there, hour tsunami, hour back... i got so sunburned its not even least i wont be whitey white when i get home

haha but i am doing well. Pushing through. My body is more tired each and every day and my mind too but I’m not trunky luckily, that hasn’t been a problem. its just that the area is hard. but i feel peaceful and confident and will keep doing what i can! 
Just do the most of the best that you can. Is what presidente tells me!
I miss you. I hope you have a fantastic week!!!! I pray for you all the time.