Monday, January 21, 2019

January 7, 2019

January 7, 2019- 72 weeks down, 5 to go
Hi mom! Happy New Years!!! 2019!
My week was great. The craziness of transfers finally died down, and everyone is in their new area with their new companions, including me! 
Hna Bushman is an angel. Im so grateful to be with her! She is basically my twin, not in looks but in personality and behavior, which I love cause we get along SUPER well! Finally! Haha! 
Monday for New Years Eve the Hnas came over and we made tacos and mexican food (to the best that we could haha) and toasted at midnight! The town went crazy at midnight and everyone was partying until 7am (well, except the missionaries of course haha). Tuesday was our Pday. We dressed in normal clothes..and went to a type of camping area and cooked a super asado and played soccor and frisbee and just relaxed in the outdoors.... IT WAS AMAZING and a great way to relax a bit before the crazy week started. LOVE asados. And we got to watch The Incredibles 2!!!! SO GOOD haha! That night, a member from Caleta came and was set apart as a missionary. And because we are the Sister Leaders, she stayed the night with us and we brought her the next morning to the airport to leave for her mission in Mexico. It was a trippy experience..made me remember when i left almost 17 months ago! I felt so old haha. 
Wednesday we just dealt with traslados and all the newbies arrived. I got to see Hna Chirinos, cause she’s going to be a Capactiadora in Gallegos (with Hna Oliveira...RIP...sorry not sorry). She’s a doll I love her, she has changed so much since I trained her!
Thursday we had to request more time to sleep in cause we were just pooped from waking up at like 5am each morning... and we had our first District Meeting as a new district in the evening. I LOVE my last district. Elder Lees still is my district leader, with his same comp Elder Monahan. Elder Machado y Otoni are in the district too and are our zone leaders. They are all super amazing and I am so pumped to work with them this last transfer of my mission.
Since this new transfer began and I have been with my new comp, we have felt the Spirit ATON and have been able to coordinate real well together. Im teaching her how to be a Capacitadora, and love it. Friday we got to work the whole day in our area and taught Belen. Her fecha fell through cause her parents and her couldn’t attend church on Sunday... which broke our heart a bit... but we fasted and so I know we did all that we could. We will keep working with her and the family, and put a new fecha for the end of january. Its so hard, but I want her and the family to be baptized so bad! But the father, martin, is being tough...
Saturday we taught Manuel also... the lesson went great, we taught about prophets and the spirit. And we talked more about baptism and he doesn’t want to commit to another fecha yet. He doesn't feel ready or worthy, as he says, but we will see... he came to the baptism of Arialis later that night (the investigator of the zone leader) and seemed to enjoy it a lot. 
Also...guess who we taught Saturday afternoon.... JULIO! He came and we taught him and asked questions to see if he really still has his testimony. He does! He finished reading the entire Gospel Principles Book, even though we haven’t met with him in over a month. He didn’t want to come to church this Sunday, but after the lesson, he committed to come, and CAME! And participated! Still isn't married, says that February 15 is their date ..but isn’t super set... ugh. 
Sunday was so neat, having the new schedule. I felt a spiritual confirmation during the Sunday School part of the schedule that really this IS how the Lord wants his church run. The feeling was undeniable for me! The people we brought to church all participated with the members in the class, it was heaven for all the missionaries haha!
and we had our first lunch with members in 2 months! Pollo y arroz and salads, so yummy! I was so grateful haha.
I feel great, super happy and not trunky at all. Working hard, feeling the spirit, passing through rough spots with manuel and belen... but trying to trust that the Lord really is aware of His Children and will help me help them to get baptized!
Im so glad that you all had a fantastic week as well and a great new years. The new year has begun! I love new starts and new changes. I cant wait to be with you all and share all that i have learned. I hope that you are all safe and happy and enjoying your time together. LOVE YOUUU MOMMMMMMMM
