Monday, January 21, 2019

December 31, 2018

December 31, 2018- 71 weeks down, 6 to go
HI mommy! 
Sorry... I think it may be the buttcrack of dawn over there...but pday really isn’t pday today so we have to write in the morning...keep working  like normal during the afternoon, and tomorrow for new years day we have the rest of pday... un gran asado and MOVIE! LETS GO! I think we will get to watch the incredibles 2!!!!!!!!!!
How are you all doing? I love you! 
It was great to talk with you all on Tuesday. It was weird, its already been three times, so I felt like I didn’t even know what to say! But I love being able to talk with you and see you all.
SO.... Transfers were announced Saturday night... my last transfer.. 
drum roll..........
I WILL FINISH MY MISSION HERE; IN COMODORO RIVADAVIA... WITH HERMANA BUSHMAN! She’s from Texas, and i communicated with her before the mission! I will be training her as an hermana capacitadora. Im super excited to finish the mission with a familiar face! (And SUPER relieved for a change in companions)
I cant believe I will be finishing my mission here in Comodoro. I thought Id be leaving for my last transfer, but it was a nice surprise to be able to finish here in Comodoro, with my same district leader and zone leaders and buddies. The ward is REAL hard here..REAL hard... but I got like a new burst of animo and I'm ready to GO and finish strong here! Lots of lasts, and I hate it when everyone keeps talking about it. But Im going to just work work work! I'm pumped.
My hija in the mission, Hna Chirinos, is a new hermana capacitadora this transfer too! So Ill get to see her in Consejo before I go home! YAY!
This week was neat. After the phone call with you all, I was fine, always hate hanging up, but we hung out and watched the christmas devotional to finish off the day (I LOVED the talk from Pres Nelson, absolutely amazing). Wednesday and Thursday were normal days, but my comp got real sick with her stomach and we had to stay inside for most of those days, or at least take it way easy. It was hard for me, because I wanted to get out of the pension and work. But oh well. I got to read the scriptures a lot.. finished the Book of Mormon! The goal of President Nelson! It was amazing to finish it. I learned SO much from reading it for these last 3 months. Ive read the book of mormon quite a few times on my mission now, and each time i learn so much more. I want to develop better the gift of revelation so that i can keep learning new things each time i read it. Amazing. 

HEY how did Grandma and Grandpa receive the Book????????????

Funny story
Saturday morning we get up, and i had a thought cross my mind that this last Sunday our new leader misional told us we might have correlation Saturday at 9am. But i had forgotten all about it. So we called him at 8am and didnt respond. So we figured, nah, he forgot too. So at 9am sharp he calls us HERMANAS I’M IN THE CAPILLA WHERE ARE YOU ALL.... us: uhhhhh you didn’t confirm so we thought it got cancelled
him: nope I’m here and you guys better get here
i  hung up and my comp was in the shower so we burst open the door and yell GET OUT we gotta go tot he church for correlation and the hermano isnt happy and she screams and we all get ready in 3 seconds flat, no makeup, and run out and i call the elders to come too because they all forgot. It was a mess.
So us 6 get to the church and the hno is there waiting (he's kind of a strange one, mind you) and the elders obviously hadn’t done their hair or shaved and everyone just looks dead and confused and it was super funny. we couldn’t keep a straight face the whole meeting. In the moment it wasn't that funny, but looking back, its pretty darn funny. (Because usually we don’t have correlation cause we don’t have a leader misional, or when we do, its Tuesday nigh, not Saturday at freaking 9am)
So thats my funny story for the week

haha i love you all. Loved hearing about your super fun week! Seriously looks like an absolute blast! Im so glad that you all have so much fun together. I hope you all stay safe, have a great week..and
dos mil nunca (two thousand never) has arrived! (thats what all the missionaries call the year they go home). I cant believe that we are arriving in 2019. Tonight we will get together with the other hermanas from the zone and make Mexican food! Well..try to make Mexican food. haha. And tomorrow an asado! I love the mission

Manuel didn’t get baptized, but came to church. we are still working with him, he needs a little more time, but is progressing. Valeria and Belen came to a baptism with us Saturday and loved it. But didn’t make it to church because they got sick. But Belen should be baptized the 12th of January! LETS GO!

I’m excited for this week. Gonna be a crazy week of transfers. But I love it and hope i make it out alive hahaha
