Tuesday, October 30, 2018

October 8, 2018

October 8, 2018- 59 weeks down, 18 to go

What a wonderful email!

Conference Weekend was absolutely fantastic! Although I still have a headache after watching so much TV haha!
AW WAY TO GO watching all of the sessions. Seriously, I felt like a kid on Christmas Morning waiting for the first session to begin... we were all antsy and clinging on to every word! Especially the words of the Prophet! I am so ready and excited for this new change to the Sunday Schedule, and felt the same confirmations that you did, EXACTLY as you did!! Look at this change as a filter - those who are weak will take advantage of a shorter schedule to have less church and do what they want. The strong will look at this as an opportunity to grow spiritually, take the initiative, and to prepare for the second coming of the Lord. The Lord is filtering out the righteous from the unrighteous. Which side will we be on?

The feelings I felt listening to the Prophets words and counsel and inspiration were feelings that I cant describe, that are just absolutely magnificent. He IS the prophet, and receives very DIRECT revelation from the Lord!
Please let me know how the Family Counsel turns out and what you decide!

Holland’s talk also touched me to the core... cried like a baby right there in front of everyone haha. We were blessed enough to watch the Conference in a separate room in English with all the gringo missionaries. So his words were very very direct to our family. It was like he was talking to THE HOLT FAMILY. A sign posted up there on the wall wouldn't have made it any more obvious that this talk was meant for us.
I thought the same as Aly, prayed that each member of the family would be watching. But you are right. It starts with us. How wise you are dear mom! You are so valiant, so kind and loving... I wish I could be more like you! 
One of his quotes that I loved - Those wounds need to be healed so that Life can be as rewarding as it can be. You go instantly and go do the thing that you might never have another chance to do.

When they announced the temple in Mendoza Argentina, we all screamed and shouted!!! It’s farther away than the one in Buenos A, but ITS ANOTHER TEMPLE. In the time I have been out here, the temples in Argentina have doubled... we started with Corboda and BA, and now SALTA AND MENDOZA!! These two are SUPER far away, but its a SIGN that we are getting more and more and soon, in my dreams, we will have one in the Patagonia!!!! I can only dream for that day!

The women’s session was wonderful, gave me a lot of answers. And when the prophet gave his talk, we were just giddy haha, he is so cute. With his challenge to read the BOM before the end of the year, i thought - I already have to read 10 pages of Doctrine and Covenants each day, Preach my Gospel, all my notes, practices.. all in an hour of study.. How can I add in the BOM? I just don’t know if i can... but then i thought.. no, this is a direct invitation and promise from the Prophet, i HAVE to do it! Sure enough, Hna Salerno called us and said that ALL the hermanas must put this prophetic invitation as FIRST PRIORITY. So i started Saturday, and am already halfway through First Nephi. Its wonderful and I'm already seeing things I have never seen or understood before! 
THANK YOU for being valiant and doing the same! I’m so proud of you and Aly and the family. You guys are my Joy!

I’m doing well! This week past really fast, I don't remember a lot. I do remember that we got to work and it felt good, and now we are in the middle of transfers.... IM STAYING! WITH HNA BORBA! She will finish her mission with me!!!!!!!!!!!! And a lot of old buddies will be in or passing through Comodoro this week, so it’s going to be a loaded adventure...!!! And welcoming in the new hermanas and organizing the trips and opening the pensions and staying in the terminal... its going to be one heck of a week, but I'm excited. Im so grateful for the hours i get to study each day, and that i have access to the scriptures and words of the prophets, they give me life and motivation to keep going on the hard busy days! 
I missed you too, and miss you! Don’t count the days, make the days count! I’m so proud of your efforts and improvement and motivation to do what is right and lead the family. I love you so much more than i can say!

I’m doing great, not sick anymore at all, happy, enjoying the time, and receiving so much knowledge and revelation I feel like I’m going to explode!!!

A few things
Can you get in contact with Hermana Micalea Laupaho? She went home last week, and i wrote you all a letter and little gift, that she is going to put in the mail. Try to find her through the mission face book... lives in West Jordan
Can you send me some arm exercises that i can do (without real weights cause i don’t have any) to help my arms out? I've gotten super weak and flabby
I still cant seem to get pics through with the internet here... don’t quite know what to do....

