Friday, July 6, 2018

Jul 2, 2018

July 2, 2018- 46weeks down, 34 left
Hi mom! How are you? My week was..sucky but thats ok haha. I like hearing about your week more!
Thanks for all the pictures, they are fantastic. I love the funny descriptions. GEEZ Ashlyns room is huge and gorgeous! And why is Brandon so longgggg hahaha. I love your garden, I cant wait to eat all your veggies when I’m home! Cook you up some fantastic argentine recipes.
Seriously, you are gonna be shocked... one of my great achievements thus far is that i have learned to cook!! And everyone says i cook good!! Polenta, Guiso, ñoquis, pasta homemade, gonna learn bread now, stir fry thats kinda like arroz chaufa, and other stuff. I cant wait to cook all these things for you! and we are gonna drink mate together mom! haha

I’m happy! I’m happy that you are guys are doing super well, seriously. I love hearing from you each week! You mean the world tome!
Well, a little about my week...

It was pretty bad. Gabriel and Natalie, who were gonna have their wedding tomorrow.... separated. Gabriel is in Trelew, and Natalia here. Happened Saturday night. But we are still talking with Gabriel, he wants to keep learning, and I’m sure he will still be baptized, just maybe not this week. That was pretty upsetting for us.
The baptism of Alejandra that was supposed to happen two days ago... didn’t happen. She disappeared off the face of the earth basically. Answered the phone once this week and said that the next day we could have a appointment in the church, so we went and she never showed up and never answered after that. That hit us hard too. But we are gonna try some plans to find her and see what happened.
My comp is talking about home ALOT, and there are 5 missionaries in my zone gong home in 2 weeks., so its all they ever talk about. And its hard, because it makes me and everyone else trunky haha. But I’m trying to learn to just ignore the home talk and keep focused. Also, its freaking July... so time is going fast. I cant actually believe I’m here writing you guys again. And in 2 weeks ill hit 11 months in the mission, next month I turn 20 and wowww. haha! Trying to enjoy each minute. 
Despite all the bad news this week, we see miracles. Evidence to me that God really is in this work, He really is always helping us and blessing us even in the stinkiest of days. 
We found a new investigator, that has family that are members and has already assisted and has all the lessons. !!! Miracle. She accepted a fecha for the 28 of July, and is progressing now! Guillermina. 
Also, my comp, during divisiones found by accident a part member family, that invited them in the house (which never happens) and they had a fantastic lesson and now the mom, who isn’t member, is going to start receiving us!! YAY!!!!
Also we hit a all time high of lessons with members this week... 7!! usually we hit 4. So we were super happy.
And a miracle last night.. .we went and taught this family that we had only taught once.. Cecilia less active, Sergio and Luca not members... the lesson was FANTASTIC, they pay a lot of attention and are super respectful, which isn’t too normal here haha, and we put fechas with Sergio and Luka for the 28th also!!!!!!!!
SO the lesson for me this week is that even when things are crappy, ya feel sick and tired, the comp wants to go home, you have to do divisione, and your 2 set baptisms fall through, the miracles are still there. Heavenly father is still here at our side, helping us to move forward this wonderful work!

IM seriously so grateful to be here. I LOVE speaking Spanish, even though there are so many difficult trials that come with it.. people making fun of you... not being able to get your point across sometimes... I’m learning a LOT of humility. Lots. 

I realized I’ve gotten super used to the culture here. Super used to the people, the houses, the streets, the ways things are here in Argentina. The country is in a really trying time right now. We had to stay indoors all of Tuesday (ahhh) cause the protests were 3 blocks away, throwing some time of bomb thing and yelling and a ton of crazy stuff, police got involved and were pepper spraying people and hitting them. crazy.  We had to be careful this week walking in the streets.
And World CUp.. don’t even get me started. When Argentina plays, no one is out. I attached a funny video of that. We had to go somewhere during the game with Argentina, and at one point we scored a goal and the whole town freaked and was shouting and yelling without shirts on and it was crazy hahaha. 
And Saturday, when we lost, man oh man everyone was so sad. My comp cried a little. I tried not to laugh. 
We made ñoquis with Hermana Olga on Saturday, she’s so sweet. One of the first members in the Patagonia and helped build some of the churches. Has 13 kids and 30 something grandkids.. says she doesn’t remember all their names haha. So funny. I love her stories. 

My comp is great, I love her like one of my best friends. but man I’m gonna miss her when she goes. 12 days and she leaves for Comodoro. ahhh. 

I’m healthy and happy. Drinkng chia seeds with water lots haha. Trying to eat better.
OH Hermana Uribe, Presidente de sociedad de socorro,(Relief Society president) made me a dress this week! For conference, because its tomorrow. Thats why I’m writing so early, because we have to leave for Madryn now and there aren’t good cibers there.

Sooo yeah, I’m sure ill remember more to write... how are you!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!

love you

and the next day!
hey mom!
Haaha surprise
So Monday we didn’t get to use all of our ciber time, so here i am... but for like legit 15 minutes.

i just wanted to tell you that I love you a lot! I had a great time at Conference yesterday, absolutely amazing. Presidente gave a great conference, and then I had an interview with him that was like 20 minutes!!!! We talked and talked, and he told me lots of plans about the mission, which really showed to me that he has confidence in me. He told me that he is super happy with my work and that I’m here with them, that I have his 100 percent confidence, and that he loves me a lot. It made me feel like a million bucks. He gave me advice and everything and i have a TON of animo and energy to finish off this transfer right!!!!! Got 12 more days until cambios. He doesn’t know if the hermanas capacitadoras will stay in Rawson, or be moved back to Trelew....but 99 percent chance ill be staying. so we will see what happens. 
i LOVED conference a T ON!

Today we have a mini p-day until lunchtime. so we will only get to work this week part of today, Thursday, part of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday(my comps last Sunday in the area)... so its gonna be a real short fast week.. and the next week (semana 6) even shorter, with divisiones and farewells for my comp and travels... ahhh.... why is time going so fast? 

Pray that my investigatores can keep progressing even though we have so many things to do, and so little time to visit.... thats the challenge right now. I have so many people i need to visit and teach and help, but theres just no time! AH! haha. 

I love you guys. I hope you have a great week. I told Hermana Salerno all about how you have a farm in the backyard now and she was laughing a lot. Said that you replaced me for chickens hahahah, and its true! 

I love you! I hope you aren’t too sad that you missed me TWO times this week HAHAHA joke joke. I’m actually so accustomed to the mission now that i don’t depend on writing like I did my first few months. First few months, if i didn’t hear from you or didn’t get to write, I’d be depressed for like two days... now its like Alright no me importa jaja. I love you guys, but its a good thing, because it means I’m more independent, more confident, and used to the mission! I’m so grateful to be here. I don’t wanna leave. I love it here. I love my mission, the missionaries, the work, the studies, teaching the people, the miracles.... its amazing. Im learning so much about the book of mormon, revelation.... amazing. I love it. 

Can you do me a favor and check my personal bank account? I keep taking out some money to spend, and i want to see how much is left and if everything looks good.

I love you! 
Still dying over Lebron James... i have my lakers pj pants here....... I’m really considering burning them with the elders (who also hate Lebron= this next p-day… hmmm... hahahahah! LOVE YOU!


Mucho amor, 
Hermana Holt