Wednesday, April 25, 2018

April 9, 2018

April 9, 2018- 34 weeks down
hey guys! whats going on! Sorry I haven’t sent out a lot of group emails lately... Time is so limited to write, but I always think of you all back in TO and love you all!

So this week... after Conferencia with Presidente Salerno, we finally got back to my area late late Tuesday night. So we got back to work Wednesday, with expectations and spirits high. Well.... it turned out to be a week of rejections, closed doors, investigatores calling us to tell us they don’t want us to teach them or visit them anymore, people with baptismal dates closing the door in our face and telling us to not come back... yeah long story short it was rough, especially after a super uplifting conferencia. Sadly, i let it get to me a bit. i was pretty downtrodden and i still worked my hardest, never letting the hard times get in the way of my work... but it definitely had an effect in me. Well, the Lord was still listening to my prayers, because starting Saturday and continuing into Sunday we saw lots of Miracles that made me and my companion realize that he is here still, helping and guiding us and blessing us for our efforts.

we have 1 investigator progressing a lot... her name is Karen. 24 years old, and has a 5 month old baby Ramiro. we contacted her in the street last week, and we’ve already had 3 lessons with her. She’s reading the Book of mormon, and praying and doing everything! Saturday we had a SUPER amazing lesson, and during it she started to cry and told us that since she met us, she has felt a lot more peace and tranquilidad in her life. She feels like she is receiving answers and knowledge. We invited her to go to church Sunday, and she said a bit hesitantly, ok. 
i have to say, i had my doubts she would go. for the last few weeks, we have not had investigators come, because our area is a bit hard and really far from the chapel. But we passed by her house at 820am Sunday morning.... and she was there ready waiting for us!!!!! We went to church together... and 2 other investigatores showed up as well! we were on cloud 9. Testimony meeting was SO powerful, and every single member in their testimonies said I know that this is the church of Jesus Christ. I know he lives. It was such a powerful meeting. 

A few other miracles this weekend was that we saw one of our investigatores out in front of her house, and it had been a week since she had answered us and let us pass by... so we ran over real quick and she let us in. We had an amazing lesson about temples and the plan of salvacion, and at the end as i testified to her i could see the tears in her eyes. Man, theres no other feeling in the world as amazing as when you get to look someone in the eyes and tell them that families are meant to be eternal, and that God has a plan for them. 

Bueno, lots of other amazing things happened this weekend, but thats all thats coming to me in the moment.
Also, when we were in a colectivo (bus) a mochilera (backpack traveler) from buenos aires was rapping in the bus and started rapping about us as missionaries.. it was pretty funny. 
Also i think one of my favorite things from Argentina to eat is Chipa... this type of cheese bread. ohmygoodness its so good. 

Well, thats about it. Im doing good. Working hard. Im so tired all the time but its all good. I miss life at home, but i LOVE the missionary work. I know its the Lord work. and i know that these next 10 months will go fast, so i have to make the most of them while i get the sacred opportunity to be here, as one of the Lords missionaries

I know this church is true! I know without a shadow of doubt in my heart that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. No one could even try to convince me otherwise.

Love you all

Mucho amor, 
Hermana Holt