Monday, November 6, 2017

So transfers this week........ .and I’m staying in Ushuaia with my comp! Woohoo! I definitely feel like my work is not finished here at the end of the world. I’m grateful to stay here for this next transfer!

Monday we had a fantastic Noche de Hogar (Family home evening) with Marcelo and his soon to be wife. He has a baptismal date for this Saturday! Oh my goodness my first baptism in the mission! He is so prepared and so faithful, and so ready to take this first step into the waters of baptism! I am so happy for him, and hope he is completely ready. He had to give up smoking in order to be baptized, and he smokes 2 packs a day. But he committed to it, has been praying, and is almost completely off smoking! What a miracle. 

Wednesday as a zone we got permission to do this crazy awesome hike in the morning a few miles up a mountain... and when we got to the top of the mountain that overlooked all of Ushuaia we read the last chapter in the Book of Mormon together and sang hymns. It was such a neat and powerful experience!

Friday was a rough day.. after a slow week and not a lot of progress, and some arguments with my comp, and some homesickness, and just a lot of pressure from all the responsibility that we have... we finally broke down. We had a little crying fest, and we called Presidente and talked with him, and he gave us some great great advice. After, me and my comp talked out some things, made some goals, and we felt SO much better. Like a weight was lifted off our chest. But don’t worry! We have really changed, and there is a lot more happiness and energy in our companionship now! It’s really good. 
Saturday we had an amazing lesson with Ismael, and he attended church this Sunday! WOOHOO! We had 4 of our investigators attend church, which was a true miracle, because its super hard to get even just 1 to come! I was SO happy!!! We felt the Spirit so strongly during Testimony Meeting. I love Church!

Sunday evening all of the missionaries in my district came to my area and we all taught in the streets for two hours. We saw some huge blessings that I have never witnessed before in my mission.... we taught 9 lessons, gave out a Book of Mormon, and have 2 new investigators!!! We’ve never had success like that, let alone in just 2 hours! Literally every person we spoke to accepted us and was super interested in our message. I know that the Lord prepares people for us to teach, and blesses us when we work hard! I love this missionary work!!!!!

Literally this is the hardest thing i have ever done, but the best. I am learning so much about myself, and learning how to change. I’m learning how to work hard without being stressed, how to enjoy myself while working, and how to adjust to change and be flexible! Lots of life lessons, and I’m only at 2.5 months! I’m so grateful for this time I have to work hard and bring others to the Gospel and to Christ.

I love you all and hope that all is well at home. You all give me the encouragement and energy that I need to keep going!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!

Hermana Holt (Hulk...Hooolt...Hult... no one says it right)

PS:  I feel super happy today, and am learning how to destress my personality. Who would have thought that I needed a mission in order to learn how to not be stressed out? Seems ironic but its true. lol!
 I love you!