Monday, June 11, 2018

Jun 4, 2018

Jun 4, 2018- 42 weeks down- 36 left! 

Wow, how are you? All good? Not a whole lot of news from y’all this week haha! But hey...its alright... because I’VE GOT SOME NEWSSS

drum roll...........

AND IM STAYING IN RAWSON, in my area, and my old hermana capacitadora, Hermana Molina, will be my new comp-trainer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS INSANE. It’s a crazy change for the mission... because there are only 4 pairs of hermanas capacitadoras in the whole mission, in Ushuaia, Rio Gallegos, Comodoro, and Trelew. But they moved the hermanas capacitadoras from Trelew to my area in Rawson, because i guess they see that we are having a lot of success, but presidente wanted me as hermana capacitadora! I’m so happy, surprised, and super super excited to serve in this new leadership role for the mission!!!

It means I'm now over all the hermanas of Trelew and Puerto Madryn. It’s gonna be a lot of traveling. I have to go on divisions with each pair of hermanas during the transfer. And this week I have to go to Comodoro for Consejo with presidente and all of the leaders of the mission!!!!! I’M PUMPED!

This week was hard...  i was just completely done with the transfer... we were struggling to work and find people, and were just so tired. It was rough. hate to say it, but i just didn’t even want to work this week. I’ve never felt like that before. 
And then Friday we went to Trelew to stay with the hermanas capacitadoras, because Hermana Avellaneda is finishing her mission and heading home this week, so we went and spent the night with her and dropped her off at the terminal the next morning. It was sad to see so many people finishing their missions, so many of my really good friends. So then as we returned to Rawson with my comp, we just felt like absolute crap. Super sad. and there are lots of other little things going on, lots of disobedience and stuff in my zone.. so we just felt awful. We got back to Rawson, asked our elders there for blessings... and it was great. In my blessing he told me that Ii have to not overthink the small things, and focus on the bigger picture. That piece of advice helped me a lot. 
We left for a few lessons, nothing went right and the lessons were basically trash. So we got back to the pensino, and I felt the need to call presidente to talk about some things. 
When I called,  I began to ask my first question, when he stopped me.
Hermana Holt, he said, First, I have a question for you
What presidente?
When was the last time you unplugged? he said
uhhhhhhhhhhhh i don’t know. never?
He then gave me a bunch of comfort and advice telling me how to unplug and when to unplug and stuff like that. Made me so happy, because even before i could ask him my question, he knew EXACTLY what was happening, exactly what my problem was.  It was evidence for me that he really does receive revelacion for us. I started crying.. and he told me that he loves me a lot. 
He then said.. Hermana holt, you know what? I’m just gonna tell you your traslados right now, because i think maybe you will have a heart attack if you hear later on.
uhhh ok
Welcome to the hermana capacitadoras club Hermana Holt. You are now one of our dear hermana capactiadoras.

yes Hermana en serio. 
oh my goshhhhhhhhh graciasssssssssssss
He was laughing and like you deserve it Hermana its all good

I felt so happy, that when we hung up i just cried a bit and talked w/ my comp.

So yeah that was that hahahaha it was a ROLLERCOASTER this week mom, seriously. ups and downs. One day with 5 lessons, the next with nothing and tears. one day of lessons, the next we just feel like straight up poop.

Hahahah but Sunday came, and we went to church and I gave my testimony cause I felt the need. now, I don’t even get that nervous to give my testimony. I remember before the mission i would almost never do it, i would get so nervous. But now it doesn’t really even bother me, i just always want to give it! I gave it about the plan of salvacion.

I seriously love the plan of salvacion now. I always study it, i marked each scripture in the libro de mormon that talks about it. It’s full of scriptures! Seriously, the Book of Mormon is straight up a book about the plan of salvacion.

Pato came to church again. We had a FANTASTIC lesson with him with the elders again. He’s thinking about baptism now, and feels alot more comfortable and wants to keep learning! Huge progress! But now things will get complicated, because I’m going to be traveling at least 1 or 2 days each week, so it means less time for teaching, but more time for serving the other hermanas of the mission!!
HEY did you see that Trent had an interview with ELDER BRAGG!!!!??? HOW FREAKING INSANE mom what a coincidence. Well, there is no such thing as coincidences... but man oh man

So i hope you are all well! I’m ok  now. We just finished sending hermana lapuaho off at the terminal of buses. I’m with hermana molina now! She’s from Buenos Aires, super great. Was a comp of Hermana Borba. I’ll kill her this transfer! Haha this is her last transfer in the mission hahaha!!!!!

I love you guys. Thank you for your constant support and love. i miss you. But I love it here. This is an adventure! Its all part of the plan!!!!! I don’t wanna leave!!!!!!! Im learning so much. So many trials. So many. But I’m learning a lot.

i love you

i put a ton of pics and a video of a seriously unfortunate event last night....... hahahahahahahahah you will get a kick out of it

See More from Amy Holt

Mucho amor, 
Hermana Holt