Monday, December 4, 2017

Hola queridos amigos y familia!

Wowza, the time is starting to fly. Its December! 
This week was absolutely fantastic. Well, it finished fantastic. It started off rough, because my companion is unfortunately going through a lot of emotional issues, and some days we have to stay in the pension and do certain activities to help her out. She’s is dealing with some depression like things, I don’t know the whole story, but its been really hard for her each day, which makes it hard for me too.
But by some miracle, Wednesday she was feeling great so we were able to get out and WORK! We started some new programs as a mission to find more investigators.. and they WORKED! We found 4 new investigators this week... and Ill tell you all about one of them, and a super great experience we had...

We received the reference from our zone leaders, to go a visit someone named Elias. So Friday night we went to his house, and we knocked on the door and he opened it and welcomed us in like old friends. We walked in, and his girlfriend and a friend were there, waiting for us as well. Now , this doesn’t usually happen. Usually the people give fake addresses, or aren’t home, or are home and don’t want to listen. SO what a nice surprise and blessing it was to have him willing to let us in, and that his girlfriend and friend wanted to hear us as well! 
We began chatting to get to know them, and we actually talked mainly with his girlfriend Gloria. She opened right up to us, and told us how her brother had just died 2 months ago and how she was mad at God for how unjust his death was. She was crying and it was such a sad, but tender moment. With tears in our eyes, me and my companion were able to bear our testimonies on the Plan of Salvation, and that she would get to see her brother again, and that God is a just God and gives us trials and difficulties so that we can Remember him, learn, grow and change. Then she told us that several years ago she accepted the mormon missionaries in her house, and that she has a book of mormon. We were surprised, and had no idea. So we continued to talk and teach a bit more about the plan of salvation before we had to leave. 
But it was so amazing to see how God works - that he had the zone leaders contact Elias, and that Elias lives in our area, that we got to go visit him and he was home and let us in, that his girlfriend was there, and that everything happened how it happened. I know that there are no coincidences, only blessings that show that our loving heavenly father is watching out for us and loves us so much. We will continue to meet and work with Elias and Gloria this week. Pray for them, that they will accept our message and start to progress in the faith!

I feel so blessed each day here, and can see the hand of the Lord working in my life. I know He lives. It;s so clear. It makes me so sad when we meet and talk with people that want nothing to do with god, or are so convinced that he doesn’t exist or that he doesn’t love his children. I don't know what I would do if I thought that God doesn’t exist, if I didn’t know about the scriptures, or didn’t know that God has a plan for me in my life, and that my family is meant to be eternal.

I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be here serving a mission. I wont lie, its extremely hard and trying and there are many moments where i want to throw in the towel and return to the comforts of my home and old life. But I cant do that. I made a promise to the Lord, to go and serve and learn what he needs me to learn and become what he needs me to be.
At least I know I’ll have one convert on my mission - myself. I know this gospel is true, and that this is the Lords church here on the Earth.

I am so grateful for this Christmas season, and that I get to be here in the Lord work to celebrate christmas. 

The sun came out this week, woohoo! No snow! Hopefully it stays like that.
We have transfers in 1.5 weeks, and man I hope that I get to stay here in Ushuaia!
Also Elder Bragg from the 70 is coming to our district to give a conference this weekend.... and Im super excited!

I love you guys! Thank you for all of the support and encouragement. Stay strong, keep doing the little things, and look for the blessings of the  in your life.

Mucho amor, 
Hermana Holt 

PS- From December to February the sister missionaries are supposed to wear pants instead of skirts. She was soooo excited to be wearing pants again haha. Simple pleasures I guess….